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BEEF BAN: Babcock Students Protest

Posted by By Simon Ateba on 2008/10/16 | Views: 647 |

BEEF BAN: Babcock Students Protest

Students of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, are grumbling over the ban placed on the consumption of beef and fish by the school authorities, P.M.News has learnt.

Students of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, are grumbling over the ban placed on the consumption of beef and fish by the school authorities, P.M.News has learnt.

Besides the ban on meat and fish, students alleged that the school authorities have embarked on an extortion spree.

For instance, they claimed that students who could not afford the N400,000 huge school fee at resumption this year, were asked to pay an extra N5,000 daily as penalty for the delay. As a result, some of the students paid N40,000 extra.

Although the ban on beef and fish is not new at the seventh-day Adventist University, students who spoke with P.M.News yesterday on telephone expressed displeasure over the quality of food they are forced to consume. They also condemned the school authorities for not expanding the canteen.

They explained that although there are over 5,000 students at the university, the canteen has a capacity of less than a thousand seats, making it difficult for students to get meals at break time. Some students, it was learnt, have to wait in queues for over two hours before they can be served.

The students also claimed that out the 350 staff in the school last year, over 250 have been sacked. They said this has resulted in the poor quality of food they are forced to consume.

'We need education, but we don't like the vegetarian diet in this school. When we are home we eat meat and fish. And sometimes when we go out, we still buy meat and fish. It's real hypocrisy, ' one of the students said.

The students also disclosed that the school authorities have banned any form of activism on campus.

'The school allows us to have an association but of what use is the association when we cannot protest? There are so many restrictions in the student handbook that any mistake can lead to either suspension or expulsion,'another students said.

Efforts to speak to Mr. Osuntade, Badcock corporate affairs manager proved abortive at press time as he was said to be attending a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kayode Makinde.

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