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Judge Orders Prisons Boss To Produce Mega-Polygamist In Court

Posted by By Nnamdi Felix/Abuja on 2008/09/25 | Views: 586 |

Judge Orders Prisons Boss To Produce Mega-Polygamist In Court

Justice Kolawole of the Federal High Court, Abuja Division, this morning, ordered the Superintendent of the Federal Prisons, Minna, to produce Alhaji Mohammed Masaba Bello, the Minna mega-polygamist, in court, on 27 October, 2008.

Justice Kolawole of the Federal High Court, Abuja Division, this morning, ordered the Superintendent of the Federal Prisons, Minna, to produce Alhaji Mohammed Masaba Bello, the Minna mega-polygamist, in court, on 27 October, 2008.

The presiding judge made this order following the submission by Mr. Femi Ikotun, counsel to Masaba Bello, wherein the lawyer noted that the order of the court was made following an application by Masaba for the enforcement of his fundamental rights infringed upon.

Justice Kolawole observed that the arrest and arraignment of Masaba Bello at the Upper Sharia Court in Minna, is an infraction of the subsisting order of the court and thereby ordered that the superintendent of the Federal Prisons Minna should produce Masaba in court to determine whether or not the act is an abuse or infraction of his order.

He adjourned proceedings till 27 October, for the adoption of both parties' briefs. Masaba is facing persecution because he married 86 wives. This is said to be contrary to the Islamic injunction which stipulates that a muslim can marry up to four wives, but not more.

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