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Youth Stabbed To Death

Posted by By Kazeem Ugbodaga on 2008/09/10 | Views: 587 |

Youth Stabbed To Death

A young prince from Iseyin, Oyo State, has been stabbed to death during a fight, at the venue of a soccer match, on Lagos Island.

A young prince from Iseyin, Oyo State, has been stabbed to death during a fight, at the venue of a soccer match, on Lagos Island.

The victim was identified as Saheed Rahman, popularly called 'Omo-King Jo.'

He was among the youths who assembled at Odunlami Street, Lagos Island, last Sunday, to participate in a street soccer tournament.

Eye witness said Rahman and other youths from Alli Street, who had obtained forms earlier to participate in the tournament, left home and met with their counterparts from other areas at the venue of the tournament.

According to an eye witness who craved anonymity, 'when we got to Odunlami Street, we started to play with Branco Boys and a boy called Ayima started playing rough, which we reported to the referee, Sherif, who ignored the complaint.' He said retaliation by the wounded boy from Alli Street led to a fight between the two teams.

It was then Rahman, who was there as a spectator to support Alli boys, waded in to make peace among the warring factions.

'It was when Saheed was trying to separate Ayima from another person fighting that he was stabbed on the right side of his neck because he was said to have come from Alli Street, where their opponent came from,' a source said.

P.M.News gathered that Rahman was immediately rushed to the Emergency Section of the Lagos General Hospital, where doctors on duty battled to save his life by stitching the neck and ordered blood transfusion for him.

Rahman was said to have died few minutes after the blood transfusion. Some residents who witnessed the gruesome incident were said to have phoned the Police Area Command and the surveillance team went to the area to dislodge the boys and warned them against planning a reprisal attack.

The team assured that the culprits would be brought to book. A police source at the Area ‘A' Command, Lion Building, disclosed that the accused boy, Ayima, and some of his friends, who allegedly participated in the attack had fled. He said the police are on their trail to get them arrested and prosecuted.

Father of the deceased, Mr. Rahman, was said to have been thrown into sorrow, and said he has left everything in the hand of God.

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