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Fear Of Epidemic Grips Presidential Lounge Workers

Posted by Guardian Nigeria on 2008/09/08 | Views: 585 |

Fear Of Epidemic Grips Presidential Lounge Workers

The fear of possible breakout of epidemic is now a source of concern among workers at the Presidential Lounge of the Murtala Mohammed Airport (MMA) in Lagos as a result of the poor state of its toilets.

The fear of possible breakout of epidemic is now a source of concern among workers at the Presidential Lounge of the Murtala Mohammed Airport (MMA) in Lagos as a result of the poor state of its toilets.

Workers in the lounge are having a hectic time anytime they want to defecate as the toilets in the Lounge had been in a very bad state, leading to the use of buckets to evacuate wastes by cleaners.

The situation worsened in April this year when the urinary pipe of one of the major toilets used by dignitaries to the lounge packed up, leading to direct defecation to buckets provided by the cleaners.

Some of the cleaners, who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, said that they might not continue with the present situation due to the harrowing condition they are currently being made to go through as a result of dwindling condition of service.

The source disclosed that despite all pleas to the relevant authorities for a quick repair of the toilets, no move was seen to have been made to correct the situation.

The source noted that their morale became dampened in recent time as a result of failure to pay their salaries for the past three months.

It was gathered that Q-Clean, a private cleaning company employed by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) is being owed six months salary by the agency.

The source further disclosed that even though Q-Clean was able to pay their salaries till June, it became difficult for the company to continue for the past three months, culminating in serious hardship for the workers.

Our source noted that the workers may from next week discontinue the task of attending to the toilets should the authority concerned fail to find a lasting solution to the lingering situation.

Visitors to the lounge have been having problems to ease themselves over-time leading to women, sometimes, making use of men's toilet when they are pressed.

Majority of workers in the lounge who spoke with the Saturday Independent said that their worry is that the situation might lead a possible breakout of epidemic in that zone should the situation be allowed to hold sway for a longer time.

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