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Lagos Unveils Blueprint Against Collapsed Buildings

Posted by By Kazeem Ugbodaga on 2008/09/06 | Views: 598 |

Lagos Unveils Blueprint Against Collapsed Buildings

The Lagos state government has unveiled a blueprint to curb the high rate of collapsed buildings in the state.

The Lagos state government has unveiled a blueprint to curb the high rate of collapsed buildings in the state.

The blueprint is contained in the Draft Report of the Technical Committee for Policy Reform on Planning Regulation and Building Control 2008, which was presented to the public, yesterday.

In the report, presented by the First Vice Chairman of the Committee, Arch David Majedodunmi, the state is to commence a comprehensive review of the regional plan for Lagos State.

He said there would be replacement preparation of disparate model city plan with development guides for all the 20 local governments and 37 local council development areas of the state, to facilitate ongoing development and several briefs for regional plan.

Once the final copy of the draft is approved by the state House of Assembly, there would be the creation of development plans for all excised land within 12 months.

In reviewing existing building control frame work for planning approval from building control, Majekodunmi said there was plan to separate existing framework for planning approval from building control as well as a comprehensive review of existing Lagos state building regulations and creation of building control enforcement agency.

He stated that there would also be the establishment of building regulation (control) advisory board to review the regulations as at when required while there would be registration/classification and licensing of all building construction professionals, trade groups and manufacturers in the state in line with their regulatory bodies.

According to Majekodunmi, an institutionalised process of confistication of abandoned buildings would be set up while an independent committee of enquiry should be set up to look into cases of collapsed buildings.

Under the institutional framework, the report recommended the establishment of Lagos State Building Enforcement Agency; re-organisation of the Lagos State Physical Planning Development Authority (LASPPDA) and the privatisation of the Lagos State Urban and Renewal Agency (LASRA) and integration with the Regional Development Agencies.

Another plan of the state government in the draft report is to eradicate slum areas across the state in less than five years and provide 500,000 housing units in three new towns.

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