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MEND Disowns Groups Threatening Mayhem In Niger Delta

Posted by The PM News on 2008/09/06 | Views: 590 |

MEND Disowns Groups Threatening Mayhem In Niger Delta

Twice in one week, the Movement for Emancipation the Niger Delta,MEND, has disclaimed groups threatening mayhem in the region, unless certain demands are met.

Twice in one week, the Movement for Emancipation the Niger Delta,MEND, has disclaimed groups threatening mayhem in the region, unless certain demands are met. In an online statement from the spokesman of MEND, Mr.Jomo Gbomo, PMNews online inquiries found that MEND was mobilizing its affiliate militant groups for synchronized attacks, scheduled to have started on Wednesday, 3 September, in protest of the one year detention of its leader, Mr. Henry Okah.

In response to PMNews inquiries about the planned attack, Jomo Gbomo tersely replied;'We are not involed. MEND is not involved. Thanks for verifying.'

In the same vein, the group reacted to the ultimatum by a group that calls itself Penninton-Dodo Ramos Salvation Front, PENDORA.

In the statement, the 'Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) dissociated itself from the group, which claims to be affiliated to MEND.

The group, in a statement signed by one Perekunakuna Braun, gave oil companies an ultimatum to accede to its demand of providing some benefits to some oil-bearing communities in Bayelsa. Failure of which they threatened to destroy oil facilities.

Because the motive for the threat is monetary and we are a regional group whose concerns are for the entire Niger Delta, MEND will not be a part of it.'

Also in a report online, it was alleged that 'Credible sources have disclosed that MEND and their affiliate militant groups in the Niger Delta have concluded plans to carry out a synchronized attack on major oil installations and military formations across the Niger Delta, from mid-night of 3 September to 5 September .

This is in a solidarity protest and commemoration of one year detention of MEND leader, Henry Okah, by the Nigerian State. According to sources, (Operation Dark September) is aimed at shutting down complete oil export for seven days. At the moment, movement of men, tools and equipment for the operation have reached advanced stages in their target locations across Akwa-Ibom, Rivers , Bayelsa, Delta states, as well as Lagos, Abuja and a northern state, which was not undisclosed.

Another yet to be confirmed single source account has it that the operational tactics of (Dark September) may affect flight operations in some of the nation's busy air ports, as they are on the list of targets. It is been rumoured that over 500 fighters have been fully mobilized for this operations.'

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