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Herbalist To Edem, Ex-NDDC Boss, Arrested

Posted by By Nnamdi Felix /Abuja on 2008/09/06 | Views: 607 |

Herbalist To Edem, Ex-NDDC Boss, Arrested

The native doctor, Perekabowei Ogah, whom former Chairman of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Ambassador Sam Edem, allegedly contracted for N800 million, to offer him special prayers, has been caught by the police.

The native doctor, Perekabowei Ogah, whom former Chairman of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Ambassador Sam Edem, allegedly contracted for N800 million, to offer him special prayers, has been caught by the police.

Ogah, who has been on the run for some weeks, will finally be arraigned in court on Monday. Edem, in a statement to the police, said the native doctor was introduced to him by one Pastor Kakas Amgbari, so that he can pray for him. The former NDDC chief said he must have been hypnotised.

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