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We Will Regulate Activities Of Sand Dredgers And Miners In Lagos- Fashola

Posted by The PM News on 2008/08/13 | Views: 588 |

We Will Regulate Activities Of Sand Dredgers And Miners In Lagos- Fashola

Lagos State Governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola (SAN) yesterday restated the determination of the State Government to regulate the activities of the sand dredgers and miners in the state, insisting that global practices must be adhered to in the business.

Lagos State Governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola (SAN) yesterday restated the determination of the State Government to regulate the activities of the sand dredgers and miners in the state, insisting that global practices must be adhered to in the business.

Governor Fashola spoke when he hosted a meeting at his Alausa Oval office of all sand dredgers and miners in the state on their inputs to the regulatory framework being prepared by the state government for activities of miners and dredgers.

The governor added that the state government has the intention of regulating the operators in the sector as uncontrolled dredging will not only endanger the environment but put the life and property of people at risk.

He emphasized that there is only one Atlantic Ocean that runs across the whole world, adding that any natural event such as hurricane that takes place in any part of the world would have its effect felt in Lagos, a fortnight after.

While admitting that there is nothing wrong with sand dredging, he said the State Government is only insistent on ensuring that things are done properly adding that a barge is basic to sand dredging operation in other developed jurisdictions.

He added that flooding of several areas have not been unconnected with activities of the dredgers who have gone on with the business indiscriminately without minding the effect on the eco system.

He said the state government would rely on reports of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out by the respective government agencies but which can also be complemented by independent assessment carried out by the operators in deciding the suitability of dredging businesses.

He cited several instances of government's law enforcement resources being stretched by operators who confront security agencies with arms in the course of their illegalities on the water ways.

Governor Fashola reiterated that the government must know the operators so that it can regulate the sector and ensure that illegal diggers are treated as saboteurs, saying the State owes it a duty to stop a few from putting the majority in danger.

He said the state would not allow any form of dredging to continue on the Ado- Badore road as the State government is not unmindful of the need to preserve some of the sharp sand deposit in the area for future developmental projects.

He enjoined all Nigerians to imbibe the culture of doing things the right way, saying the plea of some of the operators that they be allowed to operate on the Ado- Badore road to liquidate some of their liabilities is untenable.

According to the Governor, it is only in Nigeria that financial commitment would have been obtained from the bank before regulatory approval is obtained from the government, saying the same scenario is playing out in the building and other sectors.

He reiterated that by Year 2015, Lagos population is expected to hit the 25million figure and that with only one thirtieth of the Lagos land space already developed, some sand deposit has to be kept for coming generations.

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