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Flood kills 2, sacks 16 homes in Awka

Posted by From GEOFFREY ANYANWU, Awka on 2008/07/24 | Views: 604 |

Flood kills 2, sacks 16 homes in Awka

It was horror in Awka on Wednesday when two persons were killed by flood caused by the heavy rain on Tuesday evening.

It was horror in Awka on Wednesday when two persons were killed by flood caused by the heavy rain on Tuesday evening.
The victims include a roadside vulcanizer who met his death along Zik's Avenue, Awka when he was swept away through the flood canal connecting Iyiagau stream while a seven-year-old child was drowned along UniZik junction, Awka.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants around Iyiagu water ways and some part of St. John road, Awka have started evacuating their property to other safe places in the state capital in order to avert being caught napping next time.

Already, two buildings have already been vacated by its occupants while efforts to speak with the landlords of the affected houses proved abortive as at time of going to press.

Confirming the report, the coordinator of Awka Environment Watch and member Flood Channelisation Implementation Committee, Comrade Osita Obi, noted that efforts were being made to open up the drains and blocked water channels.
'Work is going on as you can see and we are making efforts on creating more channels and opening the blocked underground channels to ease-off water," he said.

Aside from the two lives that were lost, a total of 16 buildings, which included churches, petrol stations, block industries and residential houses were submerged by flood.
Also affected were three vehicles that were later recovered at the early hours of Wednesday morning after the flood has settled.

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