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Labourer Hangs Self Over Wife's Adultery

Posted by on 2008/07/21 | Views: 602 |

Labourer Hangs Self Over Wife's Adultery

A man, who constantly accused his wife of sleeping around, Mr. Akeem Olugbade, has hanged himself, neighbors told P.M.News.

A man, who constantly accused his wife of sleeping around, Mr. Akeem Olugbade, has hanged himself, neighbors told P.M.News.

The deceased, a resident of Osagie Close, Shangotedo at Ajah, Lagos, was found hanging on a rope tied to the ceiling in a dilapidated building in his neighborhood.

Although there was no police account and no expert version of the incident, neighbors told P.M.News that the night before his death, Akeem had a bitter argument with his wife over allegations of adultery, which made them conclude that he took his own life.

Neighbors said Akeem, who was a labourer at a construction site in Ajah, constantly accused his wife of sleeping with other men and bringing home expensive perfumes and other gifts he could not afford. Attempt to speak with the wife proved abortive as at the time of filing this report.

However, a commercial motorcyclist who identified himself as Monday Edem, and resident in the area, said he was shocked that a man could contemplate committing suicide because his wife was adulterous. The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Lagos General hospital for autopsy

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