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Gunmen Attack Bizmen

Posted by By Sun News Publishing on 2008/07/18 | Views: 607 |

Gunmen Attack Bizmen

Four heavily-armed gunmen last night attacked two businessmen on the busy Owerri-Port-Harcourt Road, as they drove to the Port-Harcourt Airport, on their way to Lagos.

Four heavily-armed gunmen last night attacked two businessmen on the busy Owerri-Port-Harcourt Road, as they drove to the Port-Harcourt Airport, on their way to Lagos.

The incident, which occurred at about 5.30 p.m., sent residents of the area scampering for safety. The victims, Chief Ferdinald Nwankwo and Alfred Yusuf, are now lying critically ill at an undisclosed hospital in the oil-rich city following gunshot wounds. The intention of the attackers was not known at press time.

Port-Harcourt, capital of Rivers State, has been ravaged by series of violent crimes in recent times.

Sources disclosed that the gunmen trailed the two businessmen to a spot on the road and blocked their car with a jeep before opening fire on them. The two men were on their way to Lagos to attend a meeting when they were attacked. Nothing was removed from the car after the attack.

A military source at the Joint Military Task Force (JTF) deployed to the restive oil city to maintain peace, said the incident was being investigated. Local police authorities have vowed to track down the fleeing assailants.

Port-Harcourt has witnessed frequent incidents of gun battle between security forces and armed gangs most of who kidnap for ransom and sabotage oil facilities.

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