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Let's Be Patient With Yar'Adua

Posted by on 2008/07/07 | Views: 595 |

Let's Be Patient With Yar'Adua

Former Military Administrator of Kano and Benue states and ex-chairman, NFA, Brigadier General Dominic Oneya (retd) speaks with EJIRO EJEKUKOR about life after retirement

Former Military Administrator of Kano and Benue states and ex-chairman, NFA, Brigadier General Dominic Oneya (retd) speaks with EJIRO EJEKUKOR about life after retirement

Q: What is your typical day like since retirement?
A: My typical day is simple. I stay in Warri with my family. I wake up early to go to Church (I'm a Catholic). I go for the first mass. After that, I do a little exercise, take my bath and go to the plastic industry I run to see how things are faring. I also visit my fish farm, help feed the fish and see to other things there.
Basically, I spend time with my family since I retired. I am also a technical member of the NFA and I support them the best way possible. I sleep well.

Q: What are your passions?
A: Sports. Generally, I like sports just like other Nigerians.

Q: Sir, you recently celebrated your 60th birthday in Warri. How does it feel to be 60?
A: I feel good, strong, and I thank God that I'm 60. I really give thanks to God.

Q: You recently launched your book Strides Of Honour on the anniversary of your birthday. What propelled you to write the book and what challenges did you face while doing it?
A: Let me correct you there. I didn't write the book. I got three gentlemen to do it. I wanted to know how people feel about me and how I'm rated, to know how I have influenced people's lives and how they feel about me, especially now that I'm alive, rather than when am dead. So, I got Fred Odueme, Swill Mama and Hugo Odiongor to write about me.

Q: As a former NFA chairman and sports lover, what do you think about future of NFA and the state of Nigerian football?
A: That is a tough one. I normally do not like pointing fingers at people because I have been on the hot seat before and I know how it feels to be there. So far, I can say the NFA chairmanship today is not the same as when I was there.
The present NFA is more independent than when I was in charge. The two administrations are quite different. As for football in Nigeria, they are not doing badly, at least they have been able to play their matches successfully and qualify for the Nations Cup, which is an achievement on their part.

Q:Can you assess the Yar'Adua administration?
A: The administration is just a year old, so far so good. At least, we have a president for once that openly declared what he has as an agenda.

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