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Posted by By Kemi Dayo-Aiyetan on 2008/06/28 | Views: 580 |


BEN could not believe what he heard from Jane. "She told me point-blank that our engagement had been called off and she would be getting married to the man I caught her with.

BEN could not believe what he heard from Jane. "She told me point-blank that our engagement had been called off and she would be getting married to the man I caught her with. I thought she was out of her mind because she was carrying my two-month-old pregnancy. On the spot, she told me it was not mine and she had even aborted it. Jane? The girl I thought would be my wife? This girl was just 18 when I met her during a Christmas trip to the village and I decided to sponsor her education. Quite brilliant, she did well in school and graduated two years ago. She served in a bank and was retained. I would not have suspected any foul play, but for my friends. She just became sophisticated overnight. She got a car and told me it was a loan from the bank. That did not bother me as long as she would repay the loan. Suddenly, she told me she wanted to get her flat and she moved out of my place.

"This displeased me because I thought we would formalise our engagement and get married properly. I did not go to her until a week. I met one pot-bellied man there. He did not look like a guest. What with the way his legs were stretched on the couch. Jane became uncomfortable when I asked her about him. I was so mad that I almost beat the man, but his driver and aides came to his rescue. I am 34; she is 26 and we both love each other. I have been betrayed by the only woman I love and my world has crashed. I have waited two months for her to come back but she has not called my phone or sent people to beg me. So, where do I start from? Get another woman and be betrayed again? Can you help beg her to come back? I am really confused," says a frustrated Ben.

Meanwhile, Jane had her reasons for jilting her lover of eight years. "I have never loved him," she confesses when contacted. According to the banker, who obviously has the world at her feet, she will not marry out of pity. "I met him as an 18-year-old and must have been infatuated with whatever he presented to me. I would always remain grateful to him for my education, but I don‘t love him. Ben is too temperamental. He is too possessive and would always listen to his friends. Whenever they see me with a client, they run to him and report. Whenever I come late from work, he would flare up. Though I liked him, I thought I could still cope when I become his wife. It was after a thorough examination of the issue that I knew it was time I left. I paid for an apartment and moved there. I had lived with him for six years when I was a student and came to spend the holidays with him." And the male guest Ben saw? "He was a client I had been soliciting for his account for a long time. Ben really embarrassed himself. But for me, the man‘s aides would have beaten him up and locked him up. I wanted to hurt him when I told him I would marry the man. I would not do that because he is married with four wives! Besides, I was never pregnant for him and he should leave me alone forever," says Jane.

Agatha and Ken would have been married by now but there was a clog in the wheel of progress. 'The problem is my supposed best friend," Agatha, 30, says. She met Ken through her best friend, Laide, and, they hit it off fast. "He loves me and I was thankful to Laide for connecting me to her colleague. Everything happened so fast and before I could blink my eye, Ken had proposed and even requested that I should get pregnant for him. His mother would not agree to any wedding without a pregnant bride-to-be. So, we began preparations for our new home and I started moving anything I bought to his place. I became pregnant. We went to see his mother and my parents too. Four months after, Ken started behaving strangely. He would not come home after work and I would be worried. Initially, I thought it was his new position in the office but, anytime I called his phone, he either cut it or switched off. This continued for two weeks and I called Laide to intimate her. She was very hostile and asked if she was Ken‘s mother. That didn‘t bother me because she could be hot tempered sometimes. I did not know what was happening until Ken told me to pack out of his house. So, where do I go with a four-month-old pregnancy? I begged him and he revealed that he was getting married to Laide‘s sister. I almost fainted. So Laide could betray me to this extent? Already, our parents have learnt about the development and I hope something would be done."

To Ken, he did not betray Agatha. "She forced herself on me and everything happened in a jiffy. I knew Bola, Laide‘s sister, before Agatha and I thought I could wriggle my way through. But Agatha was too desperate for marriage and asked to meet my mother, took me to her parents and now the pregnancy. Laide never knew what was happening between me and her sister and she had stopped talking to us because of Agatha. I am not heartless. I thought it was a fling and I could run back to Bola, who is younger (she is 23), prettier and a virgin. Really, I have told my mother all that happened and she had volunteered to nurse Agatha‘s baby after birth. I wish this never happened," he says.

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