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After Killing Damilola Taylor: Bloody Kids Enjoy In Prison

Posted by on 2008/06/20 | Views: 583 |

After Killing Damilola Taylor: Bloody Kids Enjoy In Prison

Thugs, Danny and Ricky Preddie, now 19 and 20 respectively, were pictured on a pal's mobile at Portland Young Offenders' Institution in Dorset.

Thugs, Danny and Ricky Preddie, now 19 and 20 respectively, were pictured on a pal's mobile at Portland Young Offenders' Institution in Dorset.

And the brutal brothers, who could walk free next year, showed little remorse for the stabbing of Damilola,10, in 2000.

Ricky is seen shirtless in our picture, giving one-fingered salutes with both hands. Danny grins and waves on the far right. The photo was sent by text to a friend.

A pal told a newspaper: 'They don't exactly look like they're sorry for what they did, do they?

'They spend all their time inside larking around with mates. Their time in prison has just dragged them deeper into the criminal world."

Damilola was attacked on his way home from school in Peckham, South East London.

Distraught dad, Richard, 59, was disgusted by the picture last night.

He said: 'It shows how ineffective jail has become. They're treating it like a holiday camp."

Ricky and Danny got eight years' youth custody in October 2006.

Heartbroken mother of Damilola Taylor, Gloria, who died in April was buried next to her murdered son.

During her burial, hundreds of mourners turned out to pay their last respects to a woman, hailed as 'an extraordinary woman".

Gloria, 57, died of a heart attack eight years after thugs stabbed Damilola, 10 and left him to bleed to death in Peckham, South London.

Ms. Harman said: 'Despite the great burden of grief, Gloria never spoke of hatred. She was an extraordinary woman."

Gloria's husband Richard, 59, said she never got over Damilola's murder.

He said: 'She struggled on with smiles on her face and praises to God for the gift of another day, but in her heart she bottled up the agony and pain.

'She carried on until her strength and overburdened heart could carry on no more."

Gloria had dedicated her life to helping underprivileged kids following Damilola's murder.

The 57-year-old collapsed after suffering a suspected heart attack while walking near her home in Shooters Hill, south east London, on April 8.

Colleagues at the Damilola Taylor Trust (DTT), which she founded with Richard in 2001, said she had been feeling unwell for more than a week.

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