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Bullion van of hard drugs

Posted by By CHRISTOPHER OJI on 2008/05/27 | Views: 598 |

Bullion van of hard drugs

The Lagos State police command has smashed a syndicate which used a bullion van to convey Indian hemp to various parts of the country.

•Police smash crime syndicate

The Lagos State police command has smashed a syndicate which used a bullion van to convey Indian hemp to various parts of the country.

The bullion van, which belongs to one of the old generation banks (name withheld), laden with 68 bags of Indian hemp, has been impounded by the police.

Parading the driver of the bullion van, Williams Osunkobo, at the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Panti, Yaba, Lagos, the State command's spokesman, Mr. Frank Mba, said while on patrol on the Lagos Island, policemen from the Lion Building police station suspected the bullion van and trailed it to a location where the driver wanted to offload the weeds.
He explained that on getting to the location, the suspicion of the policemen was confirmed as they met the driver discharging the hard drug.

Mba, who commended the Lion Building Divisional Police Officer, Akinyede Olusola and his men for being vigilant, said: "The driver was picked up and he confessed that the bullion van belonged to an old generation bank."

The Police Public Relations Officer revealed that the suspect would soon be handed over to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for prosecution, adding that the police were still making efforts to arrest other members of the syndicate.

Mba, who was worried about the new method of conveying hard drug to various parts of the country, warned that the police would henceforth deal with any bank which allows its bullion van to be used to convey illegal goods.

He appealed to members of the public to give useful information about new antics used by criminals to deceive security operatives.

His advice: "Our men should be extremely serious in the way they carry out their day to day crime fighting because criminals are going scientific everyday and we must not be taken unawares."

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