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Avoid destructive utterances, Bishop Idahosa urges Nigerians

Posted by By Kio Nimengoka on 2005/05/13 | Views: 592 |

Avoid destructive utterances, Bishop Idahosa urges Nigerians

Despite the demise of its founder, Archbishop Benson Idahosa several years ago, Church of God Mission Int'l continues to experience impressive growth, which can be clearly seen in every aspect of its spiritual and physical existence within the Christendom.

Despite the demise of its founder, Archbishop Benson Idahosa several years ago, Church of God Mission Int'l continues to experience impressive growth, which can be clearly seen in every aspect of its spiritual and physical existence within the Christendom.

The church currently has in its kit a university, four hospitals, 180 schools and a lot of branches littered in the different state of the federation with Rivers and Bayelsa having over 400.

In addition to these testimonies, members of the church at Woji (headquarters), Port Harcourt can beat their chests with gratitude to God for their unflinching determination in putting up a multi-naira edifice known as the house of mercy which was dedicated by the presiding Bishop, Margaret Benson Idahosa known as "mama" among the worshippers, on Saturday, April 23, 2005.

It was another moment of jubilation as mama stepped out from her black official vehicle with motherly smiles into the embrace of members who were fully armed with Rivers hospitality.

The presiding Bishop in her vivid humility and simplicity touched the lives of members ranging from children teacher to ministers, a manifestation of a caring leader and mother.

This disposition undoubtedly, hinged on her deep love for the members. Hear her: "I am proud of the youths, men and women in Rivers and Bayelsa Bishopric and this, I nourish in my womb."

As a leader of vision, she consistently hammered the belief that the best is yet to come and urged the members to forge ahead with whatever talent given to them by God to make the church profit spiritually, contending that it is only a mean person that cannot recognize the gift endowed in him or her.

The presiding Bishop advised the youths not to hesitate in contacting her or their co-ordinator with new innovative ideas, adding that a church without youths will soon be extinct which is a confirmation that they are symbols of tomorrow.

Addressing ministers, elders deacons and deaconess, mama reminded them that Church of God Mission is a pace setter and will not consequently tolerate fraudulent pastors or ministers as it believes in integrity and not in 419, nothing that such can tarnish the cherished image of the church.

She, however, commended them for their laudable efforts and reminded them they are the channels through which miraculous events can take place in the church and enjoined them to make themselves available to training programmes such as the school of ministry to enable them effective.

The presiding Bishop emphasized the need for radical change in the lives of members, saying that before such a positive development can take place, there must be an inspiration within the individual.

Speaking on the mission statement of the ministry, "building people into leadership with a global passion deeply rooted in Christ," mana said the church believes in right living without which there cannot be righteousness, a demand on Christians.

The presiding Bishop in acknowledging the contributions of everyone said the church also believes in team work, pointing out that such a development has accounted for the healthy co-existence within the ministry.

She reiterated the importance attached to evangelism and prayers towards the expansion of the ministry and later dedicated the house of mercy, housing the all Nation Bible Institute Int'l.

In an interactive session with newsmen, mama said the ministry has continued to strive increasingly despite the demise of her husband, producing spiritual children in different parts of the world, assuring that the church will not be stagnant.

As the chancellor of the Benson Idahosa University Benin, the presiding Bishop said the institution does not have cultism problem because of the curse placed on anyone who will promote such activities by the late Archbishop, adding that a prayer team had also been put in place to assist the institution spiritually.

Bishop Idahosa urged Nigerians to be positive in their utterances concerning the country, pointing out that it could have been destroyed if not the efforts of Christians and appealed to Christians to continue to pray for its leaders.
As the president of the Christian Women Fellowship International, mama explained that the body was established to assist widows and prostitutes to see the need of living decent lives so as to become useful to their families and the nation.

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