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Governor Ohakim condemns attack on The Nation…

Posted by By Sun News Publishing on 2008/04/16 | Views: 595 |

Governor Ohakim condemns attack on The Nation…

Governor Ikedi Ohakim of Imo State has condemned in its entirety the dastardly act by suspected hoodlums early yesterday who set ablaze a delivery van belonging to The Nation Newspapers.

• visits victim at FMC, Owerri

Governor Ikedi Ohakim of Imo State has condemned in its entirety the dastardly act by suspected hoodlums early yesterday who set ablaze a delivery van belonging to The Nation Newspapers.

He also visited the driver of the vehicle who was injured during the attack and expressed his sympathy while reassuring him that the perpetrators will be apprehended and brought to book.
The incident which occurred at about 4.30am today (12/4/08) along Rotibi Street, Owerri, had the driver of the vehicle, Mr. Kareem Lekan as a victim of the act and is now receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, (FMC) Owerri.

Speaking, the Imo State Governor charged the police in the State to ensure that those behind the act are apprehended.
Reacting, the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Operations) Mr. George Okeke, confirmed the incident and assured the Governor that the police was doing everything to arrest the culprits.
It is however, suspected that the crime may have been sponsored by politically disgruntled elements in the State.

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