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Doctor faults Global Sex Survey, says Nigerians are sexiest

Posted by By JOSSY IDAM on 2008/03/18 | Views: 605 |

Doctor faults Global Sex Survey, says Nigerians are sexiest

A medical practitioner in Lagos has floored a recent survey conducted by Durex, the manufacturer of a condom brand by the same name.

A medical practitioner in Lagos has floored a recent survey conducted by Durex, the manufacturer of a condom brand by the same name.

The survey tagged 'Global Sex Survey" rated Greece the sexiest country in the world. But on hearing the result, Dr. Emmanuel Enabulele, medical director of Jeokem Medical Centre, Lagos, screamed: ' The Greeks can't be. What with their suppression of feelings and pretences?"

The urbane doctor says Nigerians are the sexiest in the whole wide world, justifying his position thus: 'Poor and without any other form of relaxation and sports, sex is our only means of relaxation. So, the Greeks can't come tops," he said.
Still raging that the survey didn't include Nigeria or any country in Africa, the doctor took the survey to the clearners, dismissing it as partial, untrue and unreliable. 'Oyibo people can't be sexier, the survey should be trashed," he said.

Going by the world's largest survey on sexual attitudes and behaviour, the Greeks are having sex 138 times a year. The controversial statistics has now pulled the pants off the former global average record of 103.
Drawn from 41 countries and more than 317,000 respondents, the survey scored Croatia second (138) and Serbia while Montenegro trails third (128).

Unprotected sex
The survey further revealed that almost half of all adults globally admit to having unprotected sex without knowing their partner's sexual history.

Top three infections
One in 10 adults also admitted having had sexually transmitted infection -STI. The survey listed HIV/AIDS (72%), siphilis (45%) and hepatitis (45%), as top three diseases ravaging sex and would want awareness to be increased.

Early birds
Perhaps prompted by their country's cold climatic condition, the survey claims that the people of Iceland hit it off sexually earlier than any other country. Young people in Germany, Sweeden and Demark also tag along.

Free condoms
In the survey, the French take the lead in rooting for free condoms ' in areas with a high rate of STI and implanned pregnancies."

Satisfied chart
Lovers in Belgium and Poland, according to the Durex Global Sex Survey, climbed the top of the chart as the most contened lovers in the world. The Chinese and Japanese are the least satisfied.

Early awareness
The survey only refered indirectly to our country and other Third World countries, and vaguelly claimed that 34% of adult globally believe developing countries would benefit most from money to support sex education, access to condoms, vaccines and drugs for people with HIV/AIDS.

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