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Miracle! Pronounced dead by medic, baby returns to life after prayers

Posted by By SAM ANOKAM on 2008/03/18 | Views: 622 |

Miracle! Pronounced dead by medic, baby returns to life after prayers

What could pass for a miracle recently occurred in Rivers of Living Water Ministries, Maryland,Lagos, when a two year old faithful, Blossom Nedum who dropped dead during service was revived by the presiding pastor, Reverend Amanda Ogunro.

•Blossom being carried by her father

What could pass for a miracle recently occurred in Rivers of Living Water Ministries, Maryland,Lagos, when a two year old faithful, Blossom Nedum who dropped dead during service was revived by the presiding pastor, Reverend Amanda Ogunro.

Little Blossom who was said to have come for worship with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Nedum caused pandemonium in the church when she suddenly collapsed and was certified dead by a medical doctor.

According to sources, the miracle is still reverberating not only among members of the church but beyond.
The Sunday Sun caught up with the pastor, who narrated the incident thus:

'The first healing service we had in 2008 was a watch night testimony service. When people were praising God, the enemy struck. A two-year old child who was sick came to church accompanied by her mother and suddenly, the child died. There was crying, wailing every where and that interrupted the testimony time.
'And the child was brought, I was so vexed in my spirit and said how dare you this terrible devil this day we are praising God.

'At that time, the child was actually dead. The black eye had gone in, it was only the white part that was out and his teeth were clenched. I felt her pulse as a doctor myself and listened to her heart beat, there was no more heart beat.

'Immediately, she started changing colour because she is a very fair girl. I started praying and the whole church was upside down, people were wailing. The mother of the child fell down, she was rolling and crying. We prayed and prayed. The next thing was that I saw her mouth opened, but the black eye was still inside. I spoke the spirit of life into her, then I noticed the black eye come down and she opened her eyes. Everybody in the church started screaming, jumping, and praising God.'

Mother of the miracle child, Barrister (mrs) Onyi Nnedum who was also full of praises to God relieved her experience to The Sun:
' Actually it was on that Sunday that I noticed that on the 27th of every month, my baby, Blossom Uzochukwu Nnedu would always fall sick. So I brought her to mummy for prayers. While mummy was praying, she could not tell me what was wrong.
'But if I had listened very well, you would know that something was wrong. So, I noticed that it was about marine spirit stuff that was disturbing her. Even on her 2nd birthday on September 30, 2007, she was very ill.

On December 27, when I was to travel to my village, I noticed that she was running temperature. I told myself, maybe, it is malaria and because of this every month sickness, every time, I will be buying malaria medicine. I didn't take any with her to the village. When we got to my village in the night, she vomited. I didn't know. I was sleeping when she vomited and I didn't know she was even lying inside her vomit.

On January 4th, my husband arrived the village and came to pick us up and we returned to Lagos. The following day, the baby became very hot in the night. She was the one who tapped me, and called mummy. When I woke up, I shouted ‘Blood of Jesus.' I removed her clothes and gave her medicines.
In the morning, when we wanted to go to church, she was the one who chose her dress. Because there was a particular dress she loves so much. She was weak, because she had not eaten since morning. I begged my husband to go outside and feed her because whenever she falls sick, she doesn't like taking anything from me.

'On Sunday, this thing happened. Honestly this girl had died. When I screamed, one of the ministers rushed out. He took the girl from me and ran to the altar. From there, I didn't know what happened next. All I knew was that the entire congregation started screaming and praying. You know, Mummy carried her and to God be the glory, they didn't allow me to move near the altar. It was my husband who was there. To God be the glory, my baby came back to life.
Her husband who was diabetic and now a clearing and forwarding agent got healed in the ministry and corroborated the story.

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