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Obasanjo has lost nothing - Bode George

Posted by By CHIDI OBINECHE on 2008/03/14 | Views: 581 |

Obasanjo has lost nothing - Bode George

Immediate past deputy chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP), and close ally of ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Olabode George has expressed satisfaction with the conduct of last Saturday's convention of the party, and the emergence of Prince Vincent Ogbulafor as chairman.

Immediate past deputy chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP), and close ally of ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Olabode George has expressed satisfaction with the conduct of last Saturday's convention of the party, and the emergence of Prince Vincent Ogbulafor as chairman.

Dismissing insinuations that Obasanjo was not comfortable with Ogbulafor as chairman, George said in an interview in Abuja: 'the whole thing ended on a beautiful note.
'In every contest, majority will have their way, while the minority will have their say. I am satisfied."

Explaining further that Obasanjo has lost nothing even as he supported the candidature of Dr. Sam Egwu, George said, 'People say all kind of things.

Obasanjo appointed Ogbulafor as a minister. Ogbulafor became secretary of the party when Baba was still president. Ogbulafor has been in touch with him and every member of the party still regard him as Baba. What has he lost? That is what some ‘bad belle' people are spreading. Somebody from the party has emerged as chairman. Baba lost nothing. Didn't you see him dancing out of the stadium yesterday?

'Those who are spreading these stories are those who are eager to see the PDP disintegrate. They were ashamed at the end of the day. Nobody can win it all. Baba has played his role; he has done his bit."
What is your reaction to the development in which the governors upstaged everybody and planted a chairman?
(Laughs) The governors have chosen whom they deem fit. These days, there is always wheeling and dealing. Nobody pushed any candidate. Anywhere in the world, if there is competition, one or two will emerge in a contest where there are three or four contestants. It is a game of who will be able to control the party. You can see the presidential primaries in the Democratic Party in America. People are shuffling and there are deals.

It is normal. So, whoever emerges as the candidate will be acceptable to all members of that party. That is the most important thing. How you arrive at the final destination must be satisfying to all members of the party. So, you can see that everybody was happy. Everybody was satisfied and we all went home looking forward to another period of party activity. The whole thing ended on a beautiful note.

In every contest, majority will have their way, while the minority will have their say. I am satisfied.
My advice to Prince Ogbulafor, who worked as party secretary when I was zonal Vice Chairman for South-west is that he should build from where we stopped.

How do you assess the man, Ogbulafor?
As I said, when he was secretary, I was National Vice Chairman, South-west. We worked together. To me, he is also a committed party man. He cannot do it alone. A tree cannot make a forest. He will need all hands to support him. He is an experienced hand. He knows it. Having worked as secretary, now as chairman, he knows what the system is like and what is demanded of him. I wish him fair wind. He is a very cool-headed gentleman.

Is his emergence as chairman not an indication of Obasanjo losing grip on the PDP?
Ah! Ah! Ah! That is an absolute trash. People say all kinds of things. Obasanjo appointed Ogbulafor as a minister. Ogbulafor became secretary of the party when Baba was still president. Ogbulafor has been in touch with him and every member of the party still regard him as Baba. What has he lost?
That is what some ‘bad belle' people are spreading. Somebody from the party has emerged as chairman. Baba lost nothing. Didn't you see Baba dancing out of the stadium? Those who are spreading these stories are those who are eager to see the PDP disintegrate. They were ashamed at the end of the day. Nobody can win it all. Baba has played his role; he has done his bit.

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