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Presidential polls: Uneasy calm ahead of tribunal's verdict

Posted by By LUCKY NWANKWERE, Abuja on 2008/02/25 | Views: 582 |

Presidential polls: Uneasy calm ahead of tribunal's verdict

Ahead of Tuesday's ruling by the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, in the petition filed by the presidential candidates of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and Action Congress (AC), General Mohammadu Buhari and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar challenging the election of President Umaru Yar'Adua, an uneasy calm now pervades the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Ahead of Tuesday's ruling by the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, in the petition filed by the presidential candidates of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and Action Congress (AC), General Mohammadu Buhari and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar challenging the election of President Umaru Yar'Adua, an uneasy calm now pervades the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Since the tribunal fixed Tuesday for its ruling, there has been noticeable anxiety on the faces of most top government functionaries and presidential aides, many of who prefer not to discuss the issue.

The worry over the outcome of the petitions has become more palpable in and outside government circles following the nullification of the election of the Senate President, David Mark at the weekend.
Quite a number of the villa staff told Daily Sun they had taken the matter to God in prayers. Describing Yar'Adua as an honest leader, they said it would be unfair if he is booted out of office.
However, a highly placed presidential aide said there was nothing to be tensed up about as the president was sure to retain his position, having put up a good defence at the tribunal.

'If you followed the case at the tribunal, you would know we have nothing to worry about. The president is not disturbed in any way because his lawyers did well to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he won his election. All the same, let's wait and see," he stated. All through last week, Yar'Adua was his usual self, betraying no emotion as he went about his official duties. His countenance contrasted sharply with that of his deputy, Vice President Jonathan Goodluck who looked visibly worried.

Last Friday, the Katsina State governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Shema, alongside many close associates and aides of the president, were with him in his office for most part of the day, probably reviewing the case and its possible outcome as well as the next line of action.

Observers are worried over the possible voiding of the president's election, saying it could erase or slow down the momentum of the positive strides the nation has recorded in the past eight months.
They recall Yar'Adua's renewed fight against corruption, his move to reform the electoral process, and his relentless pursuit of the seven-point agenda with which he hoped to revive the nation.

'You know he also has a personal lifestyle that evokes faith and trust in him. See how he has pacified the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and wooed Niger Delta militants, even though there is still a long way to resolving the issues of dispute," said a government watcher.

Even as the country sits on edge awaiting the verdict, all arrangements have been concluded for the president to commence his state visit to the Peoples Republic of China. From available record, the president leaves the country Tuesday evening for the far east country.
The advance team of the president's entourage, comprising some ministers, protocol and security officials was expected to have departed Abuja last night for China.

Meanwhile, the police have beefed up security in some specific states considered volatile spots to forestall any breakdown of law and order ahead of the ruling. The states where additional men had been deployed, according to a police source, are Katsina, Kano , Oyo, and Lagos.

'The government does not want to take any chances. The police authorities have been directed to ensure that no violence breaks out after the judgment, whether it is in favour of President Umar Yar'Adua or not," a government source said.

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