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Chad: Nigerian Army on red alert

Posted by By Sun News Publishing on 2008/02/04 | Views: 583 |

Chad: Nigerian Army on red alert

The Chief of Army Staff, Major General Luka Yusuf says the Nigerian Army has been placed on red alert to prevent the fighting between government forces and rebel troops in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad from spilling over into the country.

The Chief of Army Staff, Major General Luka Yusuf says the Nigerian Army has been placed on red alert to prevent the fighting between government forces and rebel troops in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad from spilling over into the country.

Also, the Interior Minister, General Godwin Abbe (rtd) said the Nigerian government was keeping a close eye on happenings in the tiny neighbouring West African country.

Thousands of rebels had advanced into the city on Saturday and surrounded the presidential palace.

But the battle has been raging as government forces attempt to push back the rebels.
Borno State in Nigeria shares an extensive boarder with Chad.
Chad's ambassador to Ethiopia said the city had not fallen and President Idriss Deby was "fine" in his palace, according to agency reports.

The French Foreign Ministry condemned the attempt to "seize power by force", blaming "armed forces from outside".
The rebels began their advance on N'Djamena from near Chad's eastern border with Sudan earlier this week. Both the Chadian and Sudanese governments support rebels in each others' territory.

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