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Ghana jails 2 UK teenage drug agents nine months

Posted by By Sun News Publishing on 2008/01/24 | Views: 606 |

Ghana jails 2 UK teenage drug agents nine months

Two British teenagers have been sentenced to nine months in prison for trying to smuggle cocaine out of Ghana, a spokesman for Britain's Foreign Office said Wednesday.

Two British teenagers have been sentenced to nine months in prison for trying to smuggle cocaine out of Ghana, a spokesman for Britain's Foreign Office said Wednesday.

The spokesman, who declined to be named, said the girls would not have to serve the full sentence because they had already spent more than six months in jail.

The 16-year-olds were arrested on July 2 last year as they tried to board a plane in the African country's capital, Accra, carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of cocaine.

A Ghanaian court found them guilty in November of possessing drugs and trying to smuggle them out of the country. They had faced a maximum of three years in prison.

Britain and Ghana have no agreement allowing the transfer of prisoners, making it unlikely the teens would be allowed to serve their sentences in the United Kingdom.

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