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I'm ready for fresh elections- Gov Chime

Posted by By PETRUS OBI, Enugu on 2008/01/23 | Views: 599 |

I'm ready for fresh elections- Gov Chime

Governor Sullivan Chime of Enugu State has expressed readiness to undergo another election as directed by the election petition tribunal which last Friday nullified his election and ordered fresh governorship polls in the state.

Governor Sullivan Chime of Enugu State has expressed readiness to undergo another election as directed by the election petition tribunal which last Friday nullified his election and ordered fresh governorship polls in the state.

The governor, who was receiving the Enugu State chapter of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), who mobilized thousands of students on a solidarity march to the governor's lodge, said: 'I am ready for elections even now."
Chime noted that any successful leader should be prepared at any time for election, which he said is 'an opportunity to ask the people to give you the mandate or to revalidate the mandate they have given you."

The governor, who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG) Mr. Martins Illo thanked the students for the show of support and solidarity.
'What I must tell you is that from the beginning, from the topmost down to the base and down further to the local government, Nigeria is at this point desirable of the rule of law.

'Whatever the constituted authority did, whatever our judiciary did, we accept and believe in. Today, as you are aware, we have a situation where the tribunal in the state says we should go back to conduct another election. The governor has already said there is going to be an appeal to that judgment.
'Any successful leader is always prepared at any time for election. Election is a positive thing, and the team in Enugu is ready to go for election even right now. Governor Sullivan Chime has told us to remain calm. He has told us to be cheerful, the activity of government continues unabated.

'We are on ground, and we will continue with our good works. As you all know, unprecedented things are happening in our state today. We want this and wish for this to be an example for the whole of the country. Some of us here have had the opportunity of studying and working abroad, some of us have also had the opportunity of studying and working in Nigeria.
'It is clear what we lack in this part of the world can be put in place if we can have focused and dedicated leadership. We have in Enugu State today, a people who are determined to make this place to look like the best.

'All the resources used in developing the world is from the southern hemisphere. We want to redirect it, and apply it here, and the example you have seen in the past seven months , just try and multiply it by four years and you would know what the state would look like.

'We are going to appeal. We are going to abide by the rule of law. All our friends, supporters and well wishers should please be calm, God is in control."
Earlier, the acting president of NANS, Mr. Toochukwu Ohazuruike, extolled the developmental stride of the governor so far.

He said: 'Many of us didn't know so many streets in Enugu because the roads were impassable but within a space of six months you have turned township roads in Enugu around.
'What we lost in the past eight years we have gained in such a short time. It is our belief in your ability to return the state to its lost glory that we are showing this solidarity and we assure you that we are behind you to reclaim what rightly belongs to you. The nullification should not distract you from your good work in the state, because the masses are with you."

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