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Akala not Awo hater - Group

Posted by By UKPONG UBONG, Abuja on 2008/01/23 | Views: 602 |

Akala not Awo hater - Group

As controversy over the erection of the statue of the unknown soldier in place of that of Awo rages, the man at the centre of the storm, Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala, has been described as one with the deepest respect for the sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, despite what his opponents and critics may allege.

As controversy over the erection of the statue of the unknown soldier in place of that of Awo rages, the man at the centre of the storm, Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala, has been described as one with the deepest respect for the sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, despite what his opponents and critics may allege.

The Good Governance Monitoring Group which made this disclosure over the weekend in Abuja, while x-raying the political situation in Oyo State, said some of Akala's critics were not only hypocritical in their professed love for Awo, they had long since abandoned the ideals of the nationalist Yoruba leader. It also lashed at those using the name of venerable leader to seek undue political relevance.

According to the group's national coordinator, Mr. Abiodun Adedeji, Akala with time could prove to be more Awoist than some of ‘the pretentious Awoists' running all over the place, looking for a meal ticket.

His words: 'First, the fact must be established that Gov. Akala is not an Awo hater. He has no reason to disrespect the name and memory of the legendary Awo.
A man who made it possible for him to be one of the beneficiaries of his laudable free education scheme. Secondly, a governor who since the commencement of his administration deemed it fit to follow in the footsteps of the former leader by embarking on free qualitative education and free health care services can not in all rational thinking be classified as a man who does not respect the visionary strides of the sage."

The group said the attempt to demonise the Oyo state governor over the Awo statue was nothing other than politics and the orchestrated attempt to discredit Akala.
Adedeji's said : 'From what we at The Good Governance Monitoring Group have observed, what is going on is at best politics of the most vicious kind. At every opportunity, critics of Gov. Akala are always looking for an avenue to rubbish him.

If they are not exploiting the labour strike to denounce him, they would latch on to the brouhaha over the building or otherwise of a statue to descend on him. Politics should not be reduced to mob justice of a partisan elite. In any case, some of those who are today calling for Akala's head neither love the masses like Awo nor do they have their welfare at heart. Some of them were governors and we saw their performances in office. There are others who believe that by chanting the name of Awo they would be perceived as progressive politicians. But then, the hood does not make a monk.
Awoism should be in the heart, not just the mouth; Awoism is a philosophy deep-rooted in vision and service. Awoism should not be reduced to meal ticket."

'Alhaji Lam Adesina was in power for four years, he erected no statue for Awo in the better part of his administration. Yet, he spoke big grammar and mouthed progressivism. It was only when he knew he would not return, at the twilight of his administration, for political reasons, that he replaced the statue of the unknown soldier with that of Awo. Ex-Gov. Ladoja, on his part, didn't think of erecting a statue when the one erected by Lam was unfortunately damaged. Now, they all are screaming blue murder and calling for Akala's head, a man who has proven, in deeds, to be more Awoist than some of them."
The leader of the group said Akala's sin is that he has tried to be honest and straight forward in resolving the statue controversy.

'Akala from what we understand has tried not to play politics with the issue. He restored the statue to its original use[unknown soldier]. They claimed he's trying to desecrate Awo's name. How can that be?
When some of these so-called Awoists were fraternizing and hobnobbing with soldiers, with military governments, were they honouring Awo's name? Awo lives in the heart and not statues. A million statues can not replace what the people of Yoruba and Nigerians as a whole feel about Awo." In any case, says Adedeji, all hope of erecting a befitting statue for the sage is not foreclosed.

'It is not impossible that Akala could erect a more imposing, befitting, centrally located statue in memory of the great leader. Akala would never disrespect an elder or leader, dead or alive."
The leader of the Good Governance also said that contrary to the image of a bad man painted of him, Akala has found himself trapped in a dangerous political terrain where all is fair in war.

'In Oyo, you have some of the most vicious political opponents who often fight to finish. Opponents leave no stone unturned to fight their opponents. In Adedibu versus Ladoja tangle, you had two erstwhile friends and political allies turned bitter rivals and in the process, the polity got muddied and muddled up with all sorts of political acrimony and brickbats flying in every direction."
The Good Governance Monitoring Group said it believes that history will vindicate Akala in all his actions as a governor.

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