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Obasanjo's alleged affairs with son's wife


Obasanjo's alleged affairs with son's wife

Revulsion, shock, disbelief and utmost lamentations were the like of reactions that trailed the turn of events in the riveting episode of on-going divorce saga involving Dr. Gbenga Obasanjo and his estranged wife, Mojisola.

Obasanjo's alleged affairs with son's wife
You are sick!
Psychologist, Clerics, Lawyers speak

Revulsion, shock, disbelief and utmost lamentations were the like of reactions that trailed the turn of events in the riveting episode of on-going divorce saga involving Dr. Gbenga Obasanjo and his estranged wife, Mojisola.

Last week, Sunday Sun exclusively published a bombshell released by Gbenga Obasanjo in which he accused his father, former President Olusegun Obasanjo of having slept with his wife. In the same vein, he alleged that his wife had severally been defiled by her own father, Otunba Alex Onabanjo, calibrating a scenario of convoluted incest, wounding his pride as a man.

Though it is left for the Lagos High Court to decide the veracity or otherwise of Gbenga's heart-shaking revelations, religious leaders, psychologists and lawyers have been unsparing of the former president in the sex scandal.


Alhaji Buraimoh Abdul Azeez Arowolo, Imam, Egbeda, Lagos
It is outright condemnable. God abhors it. From the Islamic point of view, it is strongly condemnable and Allah frowns at it. In Islam, if they can find four strong witnesses, they either give the culprits 100 lashes each or they are stoned to death.

Rev. Canon Olusola Dare,
Pastor, First African Church Mission, Iju-Ishaga, Lagos
As for the allegation by Gbenga Obasanjo that his wife confessed to him that her own father had canal knowledge of her, if the allegation is true, there still should be no cause for divorce. It is past tense. He should try to forgive her, as a Christian.

Then, on the allegation that his own father, former President Obasanjo slept with his wife, was he there when the purported action took place? Did he catch them red-handed? The Bible allows a man to divorce his wife when there is an established case of adultery, which the man cannot bear.
Yet, there are still some men who can manage to forgive their wives who were caught in adultery.
Christianity tries to discourage divorce. The Lord Jesus told us in the book of Matthew that, ‘Whatsoever the Lord has joined together, let no man put asunder.' What is best is for the couple to live separately until frayed nerves are fully relaxed. And what that means is that, neither side is allowed by the law of God to have extra-marital affairs.

But speaking culturally, I think Gbenga went too far. Even if his father had sex with his wife as alleged, he should not have made it public. The same people who are hailing him now for coming out to expose his dad will tomorrow make him an object of mockery and uncomfortable insinuations. Or is his (Gbenga's) surname no longer Obasanjo? My advice to Gbenga is that he should go and recant and then, beg his father. He should say he accused his father in error, that it was all a product of anger.
But above all, incest is a great sin before God; it is an abomination. Whosoever committed it should pray for forgiveness, and desist.

Pastor Bolade Johnson, Lamb of God Bible Church, Lagos
Biblically, incest is evil There is a spiritual undertone to it. Humanly and logically, that should never happen. Maybe a woman who engages in it is from the 'Mammy Water" Kingdom, sent to destroy the family.

So, I blame all parties involved in incest, because they should have resisted that temptation. The woman is the devil sent to come and rubbish the personae involved in it. And when the devil sends someone on an errand, he would empower the person to be able do that thing. So, the parties involved do not have the will or power to resist it because it is not ordinary. So, it beats every logic and reason. It is more spiritual than physical. If it were ordinary, either party would flee or stop the move.
Secondly, and that is why it is good to be in Christ, you will have the will power to resist it. The word of God is there as a guide for you.

Who to blame? Again you might not necessarily blame the Man if what happened is not ordinary. If it was spiritually designed to make the known personalities fall or to rubbish their image, the man may not have the power to resist that temptation. And beyond that, you need to go to the family history of the culprits-maybe there is a spell. And if the spell is not dealt with, the thing (incest) will just continue to happen like that. So, maybe it has been happening in that family, unknown to anybody.

Abdul Razak Abdulkareem,
senior lecturer at Misbaudeen, a leading Islamic school in Gamon, Kwara State
Alhaji Abdulkareem described an act of incest as condemnable. He said: 'We were all shocked by the report and till now, one is yet to believe that the man who ruled a nation such as ours for eight years could descend so low as to sleep with his son's wife. If the allegation is true, then Obasanjo has committed one of the most grievous and punishable sins in the sight of Allah.

' First, the lady, by status, was married as at the time the act was allegedly committed. So, both of them have committed adultery. According to Islam, the man and the lady in question should be put in a six-foot-deep grave and stoned to death. That is the punishment Sharia recommends for people who commits incest with his son's wife.
'Having said that, I want to congratulate Mr. Gbenga Obasanjo for having the courage to reveal the secret because if he had kept sealed lips and died with what was bogging his mind, he wouldn't have been spared in the hereafter. That is not to say that I am sure that former President Obasanjo committed the crime.

So, Gbenga Obasanjo would have committed a great sin in the sight of Allah if he had remained silent in the name of showing humility to his father, protecting his family name or for any other reasons. So, if he has more secrets, he shouldn't hesitate to reveal them. I only hope, more so, that his claims are true. Otherwise, the young man would stand to be punished for lying against his father and humanity; because, that itself is a great sin in the sight of Allah.

Evangelist Joseph Nwobodo-Place of Help Church
Morally, it is not right and spiritually it is not also right. And the Bible strongly condemns immorality. When we take time to reflect, we'll discover that it is cases like these that made God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God's command must be viewed with seriousness because God is not a man that he should lie. In the book of Malachi 3:6. It says that ‘I am the Lord, I changeth not.' If He did not take it kindly with the people of old, I bet you, He does not bend His laws. And because He does not bend his laws, He would not take it kindly as well now. Our prayer is that God should be merciful to us in this country.

Apostle Olufemi Latunji
Life Worship Centre
Spiritually, that is very terrible and it is something that the Bible outright condemns. The Book of Leviticus makes it clear that it is an abomination. Something that God detests.
Socially, it is something that is terribly wrong because it is going to create a scar on the mind of the child for a very long time that may never be erased. So, such a story as told by Gbenga could only mean psychological trauma for him and other children of Olusegun Obasanjo.
Morally, as a father, that is something that is not expected of him. But in Obasanjo's case, it still remains an allegation. Of course, if a man needs someone towards whom to express his sexual urge, he ought to go for somebody else and not his son's wife or his own daughter.

Secondly, any woman involved in incest should also be questioned. Why, for instance, should a woman have allowed her father-in-law to fulfill his sexual urge with her? She shouldn't have allowed it.
In the same vein, a man whose wife is found in such ugly game has blame, in that, he didn't train his wife as per the virtues she ought to display. The father of her husband, if he committed the crime, has a huge chunk of blame to carry, like a hunch.
So, if the whole mess ends up in a divorce, it is biblically supported.

Dr. Ngozi Osarenren, Psychologist, University of Lagos (UNILAG)
Dr Osarenren, Psychology lecturer at UNILAG, reacts to the riveting story thus: 'Incest is an act that could best be described as an outright sale of conscience to the dogs. A lot of people worship money, that is why they are ready to do anything to have it. According to a counter petition made by this lady, some of things she was demanding were simply amazing. There was a place she was asking for $400,000 another instances of £350,000 and another N50million for her to buy a decent house. Now the question is: ‘ What next after getting all these monies? This goes to show that the issue of conscience is longer there.

'We were also made to understand that the money she was demanding for was for the upkeep of her children. But for somebody who can sleep with her father and her father-in-law for whatever reasons, those monies can never be used for the upkeep of her children. That is, if the allegations levelled against her by her husband are true.
'People say that it is possible that when a person mortgages his conscience he can pay and get it back. But for somebody involved in incest, the conscience is no longer there; it has been sold out-right to the dogs. The level of debasement is very uncomfortable in our society.
'This particular case, if eventually established, will only go to show the quality of those ruling us. To me, they are rulers and not leaders, because there is a difference between the two.

Barrister Adekunle Ajasa, executive member, Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) Ikeja, Lagos branch
I strongly believe that the accusation is true. I don't think Gbenga has any reason to blackmail his father. No reasonable child would just pick on his father to blackmail, especially, when the matter could be verified.

The only option open to him (the ex-president) is to come out and debunk the allegation if it was not true. He should clear his name in the media and in court of the public, which he ruled for several years. The woman too should come out and clear the air because she is the only person that holds the key to the veracity or falsity of the allegation."

Malachi Ugamadu,
Secretary-General of the Committee for Defence of Human Rights (CDHR)
The allegation itself is a taboo, let a lone the merit of it. So we wonder whether there is indeed no curse in that family.
Nigerians would now begin to reconcile the drawbacks we had as a people during the administration of General Obasanjo.

Talking about the morality of it, the cannot be any question assuming that it is a fact, especially coming from his own son in relation to his own daughter in law. I don't think any person is in any way qualified to doubt what his son has come to say against his father an his own wife.
If the situation were like the Clinton's case i.e. having affair with intern, it would be an added cap here but to be accused of having an affair with daughter in law is a sacrilege, a taboo.

Barrister Steve Adaramoye
The allegation itself is morally debasing and most unfortunate. Although, there is nothing new under heaven.
But when you look at the circumstances under which the dirty linen was washed in the public, it is rather worrisome. It is most unfortunate thing. However, as a lawyer, I want to see. It as mere allegation. And until the contrary is proved, it remains nothing but allegations. And let me tell you, adultery is a very difficult crime to prove in court. Hence, we cannot say he actually did it.

Let it be known however, that the mere fact that the allegation has been raised, has put Obasanjo on a serious moral trial regarding his position as former President, and elderstatesman.
And now, we should be asking ourselves what is the moral pedigree of those ruling us in this country. It a real sorry situation.

Barrister Supo Osewa
Apart from being a legal practitioner, I am a Yoruba man. What has happened is a condemnable act and a grievous taboo.
However, the allegation has not been proved. Moreover, Obasanjo is now a student of Theology, which means he must have been reading his Bible and should now be running away from sin. That is why if the allegation is proved, he should expect a total public odium. As a father and head of family, it is a condemnable act.

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