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Yar'Adua taking Nigeria to the promised land - Otunba Balofin

Posted by By TOPE ADEBOBOYE on 2008/01/15 | Views: 628 |

Yar'Adua taking Nigeria to the promised land - Otunba Balofin

He's a man of many parts; a journalist, film maker, showbiz promoter, politician and many more. In the United States, his name rings a strong bell in the entertainment, editorial and political circles, just as he commands substantial following in the politics of his native Ondo State in Nigeria.

He's a man of many parts; a journalist, film maker, showbiz promoter, politician and many more. In the United States, his name rings a strong bell in the entertainment, editorial and political circles, just as he commands substantial following in the politics of his native Ondo State in Nigeria.

Otunba Tai Balofin is the publisher of the New York based US African Eye, and founder and first chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), in the United States.

His New York-based outfit, Newday International, also organises series of awards and showbiz promotions in the US, including the International Eminent Awards, African Music Awards, Afro-Hollywood Awards, among others.

These days, however, it is in the field of politics that he seems to be making the greatest strides. Besides founding the PDP in North America, notably in the US and Canada, he was also the chairman of the Yar'Adua/ Goodluck Campaign organisation in the Diaspora. At home too, this dark-complexioned gentleman is certainly no political neophyte. Twice, he has sought his party's ticket for the governorship seat in Ondo State, and in the last dispensation, Balofin sought the PDP's nod to contest the Ondo Central Senatorial District. That ambition wasn't fruitful. But it didn't discourage him from coordinating Yar'Adua's campaign outside Nigeria.

'Yar'Adua didn't travel abroad to meet Nigerians in the Diaspora during the elections," Balofin tells Daily Sun. 'We were saddled with the responsibility of selling him outside Nigeria. It wasn't easy because a lot of people thought Yar'adua was being imposed on the people. But we succeeded in selling the man because we believe in him. We performed well and our efforts were well documented in the United States and in Nigeria."

Since May 29, last year, Yar'Adua has been steering the wheels of Nigeria. His style is however different from that of his predecessor, former President Olusegun Obasanjo. Many have labelled the administration as sluggish on many issues. But for the man who sold Yar'Adua's candidacy outside the shores of Nigeria, the ex-governor of Katsina State is doing well.

'Yar'Adua is taking this country to the promised land. From the moment he was sworn in as president, he has been demonstrating in practical terms what quality leadership should be. The man started showing us how to live under the rule of law. He is a man who talks tough but carries a big stick. He's a man who gives directives and believes in his lieutenants. For those who are saying Yar'Adua might be too slow, let them wait. This is a man who's putting in the proper perspectives how things should be done in a democratic atmosphere. He is a man who believes in the rule of law. By 2009, people would have known that Yar'Adua is one of the best things to happen to this country."

He has more encomiums for the president. 'Yar'Adua is a special gift to the country", he avers. 'He calls himself the servant leader, and as you can see, he has started on a good note, and he will continue on that good note. I have no doubts in my mind that he will turn Nigeria around. You can see his seriousness of purpose. From the reforms he's been carrying out, you need no soothsayer to tell you that he is on the right path. Even the international community has discovered Yar'Adua as a marvellous individual and they are ready to cooperate with his administration."

A lot of people have accused Yar'Adua of being a lackey of the former president. But Balofin scoffs at such insinuations, saying the peddlers are mischievous and ignorant of the workings of government. 'Yar'Adua is a man of himself. As you know, a lot of decisions taken by his administration are seen by many people as anti-Obasanjo. So how can he still be Obasanjo's lackey when people are accusing him of doing things that are against Obasanjo's interests?"
In spite of the criticisms trailing Obasanjo's government, Balofin has no problems with the ex-president. According to him, Obasanjo did his best for the country and Nigerians will start reaping the gains of his administration in years to come.

Balofin also has nice words for the current Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Ambassador Babagana Kingibe who he describes as a seasoned administrator, an astute diplomat and a tested leader. 'Kingibe is an asset to this administration. He's man I've known since our days in the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP), and I've studied him thoroughly. That is one of the reasons I admire the president. He has brought people of immense talents to his administration and this is already paying off."

The major news dominating public discourse in Nigeria at the moment is the deployment of the chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, to the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, for further studies. A section of Nigerians have been very critical of President Yar'adua for acceding to the police authorities' request that Ribadu be further trained. But Otunba Balofin says the media hype over the deployment is excessively exaggerated.
'All Ribadu is going for is routine training," he says. 'It is no big deal. Everybody needs training. No matter how good he is, Ribadu still needs further training to make him even better. Ribadu is doing a wonderful job, but he needs more training to be better at his job."

Many had thought Balofin would bear the PDP banner at the Ondo State governorship elections in 2003. But he said his decision not to participate in the elections was to ensure that the Alliance for Demoacray's candidate, the late Chief Adefarati, was dislodged from the Government House. 'We wanted to do everything to ensure that our party carry the day. And we believed in the governor, Dr Segun Agagu.

He's doing his best for the state and, God willing, he will take the state to the next level."
When Balofin started the PDP in the United States, many people had wondered why he had placed such a tough task upon himself. 'I embraced the PDP after Obasanjo's visit to the USA in 1999, shortly before the elections. I met Obasanjo during the visit and gave him reasons why Nigerians in the Diaspora should support him. I also let him know that Nigerians abroad needed to start participating in elections. The chapter was inaugurated by Chief Bode George in 1999. And right now, the PDP is very strong in the US."

Balofin is positive that soon, Nigerians in the Diaspora would be able to vote for their preferred candidates during elections in Nigeria just like it is done in developed countries 'We are fighting for that and I'm sure that very soon, those living abroad won't have to travel down to the country to vote during elections."

The politician's magazine, US African Eye has been criticized for its constant portrayal of Nigeria and indeed the African continent in a positive light, especially during the regime of ex-President Obasanjo. He however offers no apologies. 'I'm a patriotic citizen of this country," he tells you. 'When others are lampooning my fatherland, I have a responsibility to point at those areas where I think we are doing well. And I have no apologies for using my magazine to reveal positive things that are happening in Nigeria and all over Africa. During Obasanjo's tenure, we had just come out of military rule. We needed to sell our country to the outside world. Obasanjo, no matter what anyone says, was able to launder the image of this country that has been battered by the military. And we should credit him with that."

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