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Doomsday! Obiokeke predicts Yar'Adua ouster at tribunal

Posted by By IKENNA EMEWU on 2008/01/15 | Views: 590 |

Doomsday! Obiokeke predicts Yar'Adua ouster at tribunal

It has been said once more by another source and a man known for words of prophecy that hit dead accuracy that President Umar Yar'Adua is living on borrowed time and should rather make up his mind to leave Aso Rock.

It has been said once more by another source and a man known for words of prophecy that hit dead accuracy that President Umar Yar'Adua is living on borrowed time and should rather make up his mind to leave Aso Rock.

Archbishop John Obiokeke, the General Overseer of the GPM Churches is not new in the arena of prophecies which he reels out at the last day of the year for the following year. He did it again on December 31, 2007. The highpoint of his prophecy is that Yar'Adua will not survive the petitions against him at the tribunal.

'I know there are plans to maneuver the outcome of the tribunal sitting, but that will not work because if it works, the manipulators and those that would benefit from the act will meet fatal consequences that would even involve the lives of some of them", Obiokeke said in plain language. He noted that it is already settled that the president will leave office because the injustice that brought him was so alarming and glaring.

3 govs to die … ex-president too
The beginning of his message is that the year is a great one, a period of bumper harvest, but with tragedies dotted all over the place. The year will be good, according to him for the common man and those in power that decide to pursue real leadership. For the political leaders, he noted that this is the year of exposure of their evil ways. 'They have been trampling on the masses for so long, and God had been patient with them for a long time and has decided to deal with them this year unless those that will change. 2008 is a year of God's wrath and fury for Nigerian political leaders, and I can tell you with all boldness that three governors, among which will be former and serving ones will die.

Obiokeke also dropped another bombshell that an ex-president of this country is going to die this year. 'I know the person because God told me his name which I would not say to the public, but it is already a decided case, so he has to go". But in addition, a president in an African country will die in office.
I want to let Nigerians know that on the day God revealed these messages to me, I said there was going to be rainfall on January 1 in Lagos, Abakaliki, Port Harcourt and Benin City. It came real as I said it, so it is a sign that this year's prophecies will still not miss target".

I also want to let Nigerians know that there will still be building collapse in some cities like Lagos, Calabar and Abuja just as banks will have their own problems. But a new generation bank that is not even among the strong ones will spring surprises this year and topple others to be the prime bank.
He warned Nigerians to be 'cautious about the aviation sector and pray that the nation will not see plane crashes as already regietered in the spritual realm". On the contrary, the naira will maintain its steady appreciation in value over the dollar. And on the whole, 2008 is a better year than 2007.

New oil field
A new oil field will be discovered in Nigeria. This place is one nobody ever thought of as an oil bearing location. The oil find, according to him will cause some adjustments in the nature of things in the nation.
As the discovery alters certain political equations, Obiokeke pointed out that EFCC and ICPC will make wonderous recovery of stolen public money and some ex-governors standing trial will be disappointed. 'Their expectation and confidence is that the trials will drag endlessly and at last they will be free, but that is wrong. Some of them will be jailed before the end of the year".

Super Eagles
The chances are bright for the Super Eagles at the African Nation's Cup, but their first three matches will be tough. After that their further progress will depend on them. If they want to actually lift the trophy, they should come back to me as I have always said. They offended me many years ago and I still insist they owe God thanks through me who he used. But in all I see bright chances for them this time.
His prophesy did not leave out the political group as he said PDP is on the way to re-inventing itself by the selection of worthy leaders. Yet he cautioned that if PDP allows itself to be used or hijacked by manipulators and the bad ones through imposition emerge, then that will be the end of the party in the leadership of the country.

Other worlds
Obiokeke has messages for other parts of the world outside Nigeria. For instance, he noted that a scandal that is akin to disaster will rock the British monarchy in the year. It will be an internal squabble, but it will expose the monarchy terribly.
Also, earthquakes will once again rock China and Japan while India should watch out for another train disaster as Pakistan will not have any respite in its political problems and natural disasters.
In Saudi Arabia, the cleric said he was shown a major crisis invloving the nation's richest man while a strange disease not known already will be discovered this year after a breakout in Asia and Africa.
He noted that what he has revealed is a tip of the iceberg in a prophecy that comes under over 200 issues all over the world. 'And whoever that needs more facts or elaboration, including thr political leaders can see me, and we will pray together fi they so wish".

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