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H-O-R-R-0-R! - Female immigration officer chops off neighbour's male organ

Posted by By DENNIS MERNYI, Abuja on 2007/12/16 | Views: 832 |

H-O-R-R-0-R! - Female immigration officer chops off neighbour's male organ

In a fit of fury, a middle- aged woman, Mrs Grace Godsgift Nwoke, allegedly tried to chop off her neighbour, Mr Musa Jonathan's male organ.

In a fit of fury, a middle- aged woman, Mrs Grace Godsgift Nwoke, allegedly tried to chop off her neighbour, Mr Musa Jonathan's male organ.

The male organ had stitches and a bandage on it during the interview with the victim by SUNDAY SUN at the weekend.
In the fierce fight which started over a minor squabble over the use of the large parking lot, Mrs. Nwoke, an immigration officer, with the assistance of her maids, allegedly grabbed Musa's organ and used her sharp fixed nails to pierce and attempt to pull it off. She allegedly followed it up with her teeth on her hapless victim.

The woman, a Superintendent in the Nigeria Immigration Service, NIS, who, according to her co-tenants, occupies 2 blocks of a 3- storey building popularly known as Giddan Abass along Stella Maris Schools Road by the Old Federal Secretariat, Area 1, Garki in Abuja, was said to be in the habit of threatening to deal with any of her neighbours who dared cross her path.

Narrating his ordeal at the hands of her hostile co-tenant to SUNDAY SUN, Musa revealed on his sick bed at Wuse General Hospital that on the fateful Sunday, (November 30, 2007) he had returned from Church service and was taking his rest in his room when he had a heavy bang on the door.
When he rushed and opened the door, he saw the woman screaming on him asking why he had refused to come remove his car so that she could drive out:

'But I told her I did not know that she wanted to drive out." Then, she allegedly shouted him down, insisting that she had sent the security man to call him "but I told her that I did not hear the security and when I turned to my room to go and bring my car key so that I can remove my car for her, the woman grabbed me from the back and started hitting me.

'Then, with the assistance of her maids she grabbed and tore the boxer and pant that I wore and gained access to my genitals, where she used her fixed nails to tear my testes.
'Since they overpowered me, I was helpless especially when she grabbed my organ. I could no longer struggle and she inflicted several other cuts on me using her teeth to bite me all over my body.
'If not for the intervention of some neighbours I would have been killed by her in the process. It was some of the neighbours that first took me to the Garki Police station to report the matter before rushing me to this Hospital.

'The woman is just troublesome. She has had problem with almost all the people in the compound. She has been threatening to deal with me and the rest of the tenants but I did not take her seriously because I am always avoiding any thing that will bring a problem between me and her until that day. I was even inside my room when she called me out to deal with me in this way."

At the compound, Emmanuel Agbu, the security guard on duty who was sent by Mrs Nwoke to Musa's apartment, collaborated the story to Sunday Sun but stated that he actually knocked on Musa's door but there was no response and when he reported back to her that there was no response she quickly lifted a stone and started hitting the door until Musa came out:

'When he came out he explained to the woman that he was inside his bedroom and he could not hear the security man knock on his door. But not satisfied with the explanation, she started fighting with him.
'All we saw next was blood from Musa'a private part.

I then called neighbours who came out for help rescue the man from Mrs. Nwoke."
Asked if he as the security man has observed in the past any hostile attitude from the woman to neighbours, Agbu who responded in the affirmative added that 'she is indeed the only trouble person in this compound".
However, several efforts to reach Mrs Nwoke failed. Repeated visits by this reporter to the compound was fruitless, as neither herself nor any of her family members was available to state their own side of story.

Also, efforts to even get her through the office where she is serving were rather frustrated as the Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Immigration Service, Mr King E Odeh, after several promises to get Mrs Nwoke respond to the story, refused to either pick calls or respond to messages from this reporter.

SUNDAY SUN, however, gathered that she was initially arrested and detained at the Garki Police station but released after few hours. Though the FCT police authorities were reluctant to respond to enquiries on what has become of the case, it was gathered that the woman was released immediately as her colleagues besieged the station demanding her release.
Jonathan is yet to be discharged from the hospital as his condition deteriorates by the day. Fears are that with the gravity of the cut and its effect on his testicles, he may lose his productive ability as a man.

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