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MASSOB clampdown: Family raises alarm over missing man

Posted by By Ola Agbaje on 2007/12/16 | Views: 588 |

MASSOB clampdown: Family raises alarm over missing man

The Deyowe family of Delta State has raised an alarm over a member of the family, Teddy, who until the last time he was seen was a member of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) whose whereabouts remains unknown in the past two years.

The Deyowe family of Delta State has raised an alarm over a member of the family, Teddy, who until the last time he was seen was a member of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) whose whereabouts remains unknown in the past two years.

Following the clampdown on the activities of MASSOB by the Federal Government, Teddy, who was born in Onitsha, Anambra State and resided there, a part of the country where MASSOB is strong was said to have been arrested alongside other members about August 2005 during a major police raid on the members.

However, as the family traced Teddy to Awka for release after a long wait for their arraignment which could not hold, 'We started getting conflicting reports on the whereabouts of Teddy. Policemen at Awka told us nobody with such name or identity was in their custody, while some MASSOB members arrested alongside Teddy said he managed to escape while they were being taken to Awka. But the important thing is that where he is, is not yet known to the family till date", said Teddy's elder brother, Willy Deyowe in tears.

According to him, the impact of the government clampdown has depleted several families in some part of South-South and South-East zones.
Willy Deyowe lamented that the family cannot say exactly what became of his immediate younger brother, Teddy. 'We are appealing to the government to kindly relax the siege on ethnic emancipation groups and also to help tell us what actually happened to our family member.

'The irony is that even if Teddy escaped out of the country or is hiding somewhere in Nigeria, his role in the family is lacking and his presence is also not there. Me and another younger brother could not look after our aged mother because Teddy used to be the financial strength of the family and his absence has been a major blow to the family".

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