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選 thought it was a miracle'

Posted by By Chioma Okezie-Okeh on 2007/11/07 | Views: 580 |

選 thought it was a miracle'

A car snatcher, Ojo Oluwafemi, 26, is one of those who strongly believe in miracle. The mere fact that he picked a car key on the road that easily opened a car parked at No. 24 Wosilatu Street, Baruwa Ipaja Lagos would be described as a perfect miracle.

A car snatcher, Ojo Oluwafemi, 26, is one of those who strongly believe in miracle. The mere fact that he picked a car key on the road that easily opened a car parked at No. 24 Wosilatu Street, Baruwa Ipaja Lagos would be described as a perfect miracle.

He had perfected the act and was about to move things from the car when the owner of the car Oye Goldpin sighted him and raised an alarm he was arrested and taken to Iyana Ipaja police a station where the police hopes that he would lead them to some of the miraculous thefts he had carried out around the area.

Weeping profusely, Ojo said that he is yet to come to terms with what lured him into such act. The man who claims to be a conductor said that he had returned from the day's work when he noticed a car key on the ground around his area.

" I picked up the key wondering who must have carelessly dropped it there. I took it home thinking what use it would be to me."
Days later he remembered an Audi 80, Lagos CW 859 GGE car parked in the neighborhood, which he claimed, had been there for a long time. " I decided to try the keys on the car and miraculously it opened. I felt that I had got a good car that I would use for cab work.

When I was sure that there was none in the vicinity I stepped into the car." When he finally gained entrance into the vehicle, he decided to vandalize it since no one would believe that he purchased such an expensive car. " I was almost through with my plans when I heard shouts behind me and they took me to the police station where I have been paying for my sins. My God I have never involved myself in such an act before, look at me in prison custody. Hei, I heard that they are going to kill us. I do not want to die. I felt it was a divine opportunity for me to see a key that would fit into that vehicle," he sobbed.

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