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Joke over bottle of beer turns bloody as a friend is stabbed to death

Posted by By TAIWO OLUWADARE on 2007/11/07 | Views: 636 |

Joke over bottle of beer turns bloody as a friend is stabbed to death

What looked like a joke has turned out a death issue. The gory incident occurred on Saturday evening as a man called Damilare Aladejobi was allegedly stabbed to death by one of his colleages called Kudis for Dare's refusal to offer him a bottle of beer.

What looked like a joke has turned out a death issue. The gory incident occurred on Saturday evening as a man called Damilare Aladejobi was allegedly stabbed to death by one of his colleages called Kudis for Dare's refusal to offer him a bottle of beer.

Saturday Sun gathered that Damilare and Kudis among others were in a function organized by the association of keke Marwa riders at Layi-Oyekanmi in Mushin area when the man, Kudis walked up to Dare and asked for a bottle of beer but Dare refused and decided to scare him away by hitting a bottle on his head which didn't break. Immediately, Kudis went for a broken bottle to stab Dare, as the source disclosed.

According to a source, a friend to the deceased, it was a joke between them which made watchers not to separate them until Kudiss suddenly stabbed Damilare dead. The friend said after their effort to save his life in the hospital, Dare at last gave up the ghost.

Kudis arrested
Immediately their colleagues heard of the death of Dare, five persons organized themselves and headed for his house to take him to the police station but on getting to his house they could not see him but took his mother instead. In order to bar them from taking his mother to police station, Kudis called OPC members, a group his brother is said to belong to rescue his mother.

On the way to the police station with Kudis mother, The OPC group allegedly attacked them and in the gunshot melee, one of the five was shot dead, while others were seriously injured. One of them that died has been buried in Agege while the other four were in a critical condition at Lagos University Training Hospital(LUTH).

Submitting to police
Saturday Sun gathered that after the alcohol had subsided in Kudis system, he gave the excuse that he was injured too and was receiving treatment in the hospital. As part of the trick to arrest him, friends traced him to the hospital with the guise of intending to pay the hospital bill. But Kudus was wise enough to say they should not worry about him but use the money to pay Dare's hospital instead. Meanwhile, when Kudis heard of the death of Dare, he quickly headed for Olosan police station at Mushin to report his side of the story.

Dare's burial
The 34-year-old Dare was buried on Monday. The family of Dare said it is waiting for justice over the case. According to Dare's younger sister, Bukola, his brother was an easy going man and his wife is an awaiting mother who will put to bed by next month. She called on government intervene in the matter. When Saturday Sun visited the area where Dare lived, it was full of sympertizers especially his co-Marwa riders with black bands around their heads.

Meanwhile, Kudis has finally been apprenhended by the police. When Saturday Sun visited the Olosan police station where he was arrested, the police said his case has been forwarded to police headquarters at Panti SCID

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