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Fake passport Nigerian to be kicked out UK

Posted by The Scotsman on 2007/08/16 | Views: 613 |

Fake passport Nigerian to be kicked out UK

A NIGERIAN who bought a forged passport so he could keep working in Edinburgh is facing deportation.

A NIGERIAN who bought a forged passport so he could keep working in Edinburgh is facing deportation.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard Ajibola Sadiq, 38, paid £300 for the South African papers after his holiday visa ran out.

He was caught after police officers came to the house where he was staying in Ferry Road Avenue on a matter which had nothing to do with him.

Fiscal Depute Gillian More told Sheriff Kenneth Maciver that when Sadiq showed them identification papers it was clear that his holiday visa had expired.

A forged South African passport was found and Sadiq said it was his.

Sadiq told the officers he had bought it to enable him to get work so that he could earn enough money to return home.

The court heard that "a friend of a friend" told him he had a South African passport which would give him the right to work.

Sadiq was remanded in custody for background reports, and deportation papers have been served on him.

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