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Triplets' mum beaten to death by husband

Posted by By CHRIS ANUCHA and JULIANA FRANCIS on 2007/07/18 | Views: 689 |

Triplets' mum beaten to death by husband

Mother of a two-week old set of triplets born on July 5 has been beaten to death by her husband, Ikechukwu Eze.

Mother of a two-week old set of triplets born on July 5 has been beaten to death by her husband, Ikechukwu Eze.
The incident happened at Ojojo Estate, Mende, Maryland, Lagos, where the couple lived.

There are two conflicting versions as to what led to the fatal beating of the nursing mother on Tuesday last week.
A source told Daily Sun that the suspect was angry that his wife, Ijeoma, was delivered of triplets after earlier having twins.

Another version said the man was a drunk, who came back home soaked in alcohol only to turn his wife to a punching bag after she told him to turn down the volume of the radio to avoid waking up the babies.

An eye-witness claimed that Eze went wild and started destroying the electronics in the house and when the wife tried to stop him, he descended heavily on her, beating her black and blue.
Eze's mother, who came from the village following the arrival of the triplets was also said to have been battered by her son when she challenged him for beating the wife and destroying the property in the house.

The drunk son, according to a source, allegedly gave her a hot blow on the mouth, thereby removing one of her teeth.
The victim, who sensed danger following the torture by her husband, reportedly went to her church to lay complaint and to seek assistance, especially in the area of her safety and that of her children.
While in the church, her health deteriorated and she was rushed to the Central Hospital in Ikeja on Sunday. When she did not show any sign of improvement, she was rushed to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja on Monday, where she died at about 11 p.m.
Eze, who got wind of the wife's death, has since fled while the police have spread their dragnets to nab him.

Investigations by Daily Sun revealed that the triplets have been taken to the Heritage Home Orphanage and Save a Child's Life, located at No. 45, Faramobi, Anthony Village, Lagos.
Confirming the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Olubode Ojajuni, said the police had begun a manhunt for the fleeing wife-killer.

He also revealed that the police had visited the residence of the couple at Maryland. According to him, the suspect's mother had made useful statements to the police, which he said could help the police in their investigations, as well as assisting them to track down the suspect.

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