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Lamido calls for removal of immunity clause from constitution

Posted by JACOB EDI, Abuja on 2007/06/25 | Views: 592 |

Lamido calls for removal of immunity clause from constitution

Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule Lamido, on Wednesday canvassed the removal of immunity clause from the Nigerian Constitution.

Governor of Jigawa State, Alhaji Sule Lamido, on Wednesday canvassed the removal of immunity clause from the Nigerian Constitution.

He told journalists in Abuja that the immunity clause is responsible for the misbehaviour of public officers because it gives them an above-the-law feeling.
'I'm terribly against it. It should be removed from our constitution. All we need is a leader with a good heart and character. If you place a man above the law, it will be difficult for him not to misbehave," Lamido said.

The Jigawa governor explained that when a leader knows he is not above the law, 'there are certain things he will not just do."
'However, there is the need to have some safeguards in order for a public officer not be embarrassed," he added.

Lamido said one of his major concerns is how to restore institutions that support the running of government. These include the harmonization of the over bloated ministries he inherited from his predecessor, Saminu Turaki.

Already, he said the 44 ministries he met had been reduced to 12 and that they would all be moved to the state capital, Dutse, unlike the former arrangement where the ministries were spread around the state.
Although he said he does not intend to probe his predecessor, Governor Lamido admitted he is groaning under a very heavy debt burden which was put at about N230 billion.

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