Preliminaries Of Marriage

The Marriage Act lays down certain preliminary formalities, which axe to be fulfilled before the solemnization of marriage under that statute. Before embarking on the detailed examination of the formalities of marriage, it is necessary to draw attention to the position of marriage registrars. The Head of State is empowered to divide Nigeria by order into marriage districts. For each district, there is appointed a registrar of marriages. Above the marriage registrar, there is a principal marriage registrar. Every marriage registrar and the principal registrar have offices at places appointed by the appropriate central or state Commissioner.

(i) Notice of marriages. The first step to be taken by persons who desire to marry under the Marriage Act is to complete and sign a notice of marriage in the prescribed form,'which may be done by either of the two parties. The form of notice is supplied gratuitously on application to the registrar of every marriage district.

When completed, the form is to be lodged with the registrar of the district in which the marriage is intended to take place. On receipt of the notice, the registrar enters its details in the Marriage Notice Book. The notice itself is then displayed on the outer door or public notice board of the registrar's office, and should remain so displayed until the registrar's certificate is granted or three months have elapsed. Inspection of the Marriage Notice Book is open to the general public during office hours without a fee.