Islamic Marriage Cerrmonies
The moslem marriage is solemnized by a mallam in the presence of at least two upright Moslem witnesses. Islamic marriages like its statutory and customary law counterparts has been beset by extravagance and ostentation. In 1971 the Committee Against Immorality and Extravagance of the Sokoto Local Authority was created. Its terms of reference included inter alia the examination of ways of curbing ostentatious expenses during marriage and birth ceremonies.
Its Report condemned among other things, extravagant marriage ceremonies, and constituted a basis for the Sokoto State Marriage Expenses (Regulation) Law, 1981. Section 7 of the Law provides that no gifts shall be made on behalf of a bride, her relations or friends when she is being accompanied to her husband's house. It is an offence under the Law for musicians or praise-singers to participate in taking a girl to her husband's house or attend a marriage ceremony. The Law goes so far as to prohibit the traditional reception (yitun buki) held during a marriage ceremony in the home of the married couple.
In Borno, the Local Authority (Modification of Bomo Native Law and Custom Relating to Marriage Order) 1971, prohibits contributions and donations in respect of any marriage. Moreover, traditional wedding dinners (Miskeni) are to be limited to relatives of the bride and bridegroom only.