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Nigerian Coat-Of-Arms


The Nigerian coat of arms features an eagle mounted on a black shield, which is trisected by two code_of_arms.gifsilvery wavy bands. Two white chargers support the shield,and at it's base is a wreath of coctus spectabilis flowers cast in the national colors of white and green.

The black shield represents the fertile soil while the silvery bands denote the Niger and Benue Rivers, which form the main inland waterways in the country.

The coctus spectabilis is a colorful flower, which grows wildly in Nigeria.

The eagle stands for strength and the chargers symbolize dignity.

The Nigeria coat-of-arms is the country’s symbol of national unity, state power, and authority. It was created in line with the National Flag and Coat-of-Arms Ordinance number 48 of 1960.

The Nigeria coat-of-arms was adopted officially in 1975. Before this time, each of the country’s constituent political units had its own coat-of-arms.


The Nigeria coat-of-arms has seven permanent features — each symbolizing a particular entity or virtue about the country:

  • A black shield
  • Two white wavy bands on the shield, which form the letter “Y”
  • Two horses on either side of the shield
  • Some flowers at the base
  • An eagle standing on the shield
  • The wreath (with green and white bands) upon which the eagles stands
  • The nation’s motto on the band around the base of the shield

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Nigerian Government

The Federal Republic of Nigeria is governed in accordance with the provisions of a Constitution.In 1914 the Protectorates of Southern and Northern Nigeria were amalgamated with the Colony (Lagos) by Lord Lugard to form what is now known as Nigeria.

Nigerian Music

The music of Nigeria includes many kinds of Folk and popular music, some of which are known worldwide. Styles of folk music are related to the multitudes of ethnic groups in the country, each with their own techniques, instruments, and songs.
Listen to music of Nigeria.