Dr Olusegun Fakoya

Open letter to Alhaji S,ani Yerima

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 6/6/2010 10:02:07 AM“Allah misleads whomsoever he chooses to mislead”- The Qur’anDear Alhaji Sani Yerima,It is perhaps right to ... Full story

This Graveyard Called Nigeria

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 4/29/2010 7:07:49 AM (A very urgent need for the restructuring of the policing system in Nigeria) My group of Nigerian ... Full story

The Paedophiles in Our Midst

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 4/20/2010 7:20:44 AM Nigerian news organs were filled with news of paedophilic content last week. In fact, one other ... Full story

Gospel of Wickedness: The Hypocrisy and Falsehood of Helen Ukpabio (Part 2)

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 4/9/2010 7:01:25 AMStill on Kolade-Otitoju and the lies published by The News MagazineIt is equally annoying that Kolade-Otitoju ... Full story

Nigeria Mass Media - The Fourth Estate of Graft

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 3/24/2010 9:35:39 AMThe dark clouds hanging over the Nigerian nation have refused to lift. However, nature in its ... Full story

Illogicality and Absurdities: Open Letter to Turai Yar’adua

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 2/28/2010 12:05:07 PMDear Hajiya Turai Yar’adua ,This letter became imperative following the melodrama that ensued in the wake ... Full story

The Dangers of Heterodoxy: Open Letter to Evangelist Helen Ukpabio

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 2/4/2010 8:20:35 AMDear Helen,No doubt, this letter might come as a bit of surprise to you since it ... Full story

Curtailing the Excesses of Evangelist Helen Ukpabio

Author: Dr Olusegun FakoyaPosted to the web: 7/31/2009 5:11:35 AMOnce in a while, challenges of life dictate that men and women of virtue and good ... Full story

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