Michael Demi

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Genres: R&B/Soul / Alternative / Hip hop

Michael Demi will definitely stand out as one of Nigeria’s most explicit songwriter.
As a singer, the R and B singer stands out with a smooth ballad style that strikes the ear, first time heard. The Delta state boy speaks of his early influences.
“My dad was my earliest Factor. As a kid, we would wake up to sounds of Don Williams, Lionel Richie, MJ, and a host of others. I started cooing the words to Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean before I could really speak. We had this huge Turn table jukebox that made me fall in love with music as I grew. So it wasn’t much of a surprise that I started writing early.”
Born in Surulere, the singer was raised in all of Lagos,Sokoto, Warri, Benin and Abuja. “Dad moved around a lot thanks to business. But everywhere we went, music never left.”
A graduate of Chemistry from the University Of Benin, he hung up his academic boots after his Youth Service in Abuja to chase his first love, music. “My sisters were chasing masters degrees, he says. “I just wanted to express the beauty of words and melodies in a way that could touch not just Nigeria as a nation, but the rest of the world as well.” Michael Demi is a product of Supreme Cartel, Uniben’s most prolific unsigned group. “We were all about true Hip hop and R and B. Dope Mc’s like Udin, Dunno, Jemal, Dramin Xvolume and Ace producer Bigfoot of Micworxx. We made music for the love back then. We were never signed amidst the plenty proposals because cats out there were greedy. But Cartel still remains strong. You will probably find out soon…”
This year, his singles Ratty, Soldier, Astalavista and Which Way hits the airwaves from his upcoming album. “Im enthralled, doing what I love doing. I think now that we’ve got the ears of over 200million people listening to our music, we need to spread good lyrics with actual words and meaning. And that’s what I represent”
Michael’s album ‘Love, Cheddah and Rythm’ drops this year.
And we all patiently wait to see how it pays off

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