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Book of Life

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Author: By Patrick Enilama
Posted to the web: 6/11/2005 6:24:31 AM

'Oh that thou would bless me indeed, and thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from evil that it may not grieve me.' I Chron. 4:10'He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life.' Rev. 3:5 Of what benefit is a name if it can be spewed out as fast as it is pronounced. Of what use is a name though written on marble, and in the nation’s Hall of fame, if it is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?Think about that!Name! That four letter word.Name! That four letter word can indeed mean many things to different people. While some would say there is nothing in a name, others would say nothing succeeds like a good name. A good name is better than precious ointment Eccl. 7:1. A good name can sell you.Nothing has so much approval of the general public as a man with a good name. Jesus Christ who came in the form of man has a NAME that is above every other NAME. His name is unique that at the mention of Jesus every knee in heaven and on / under the earth bows. Just as the water of an ocean can not wash a man with a bad (family) name clean so also would riches not buy you a good name.Such biblical names as Judas Iscariot, Gehazi, Saul, Haman, Jezebel, Jabez etc are terrible names no one ever dares to name after their children.Biblically speaking, we know very little about Jabez except that he was more honorable than his brethren; yet he was called Jabez because his mother bore him with sorrow.Jabez has a stigma in spite of his being honorable amongst his brethren. What is known of Jabez is that his name conjures memories of sadness, pity, unhappiness and wretchedness.Jabez grew up to hate himself and the name he bare.He was limited by the name and he called on the God of Israel, the covenant God to 'bless me indeed and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me.' I Chron 4:10And God heeded his prayer and granted Jabez his prayer request because he was 'grieved' of his name.Are you presently grieved of your (family) name? Does your name mirror your identity and your destiny? Does your name give a true picture of who you are? Are you one of those who still accept heathen names for their children? Is your name the celebration of a pagan god or water goddess? Is your name the mark of a family deity?If you belong to any of these categories it is time for you to change your name.Giving names to your children ought to be an activity done with great care. We ought always to be careful about the name we give to children during naming ceremonies.Jabez’s mother thought the best name suited for her son is Jabez – i.e. SORROW she chose this name because she was under stress, hardship and sorrow during the period of her pregnancy.This ought not to be for sorrow is an antecedent of pleasure; just as a furious storm gives place to a clear sunshine and a night of weeping precedes the morning of Joy. Parents should not allow unfavourable circumstances to dictate what names they give to their children.As he grew Jabez saw that he was being called Sorrow. At the play ground he was called by the name Sorrow.In the farm and in the neighourhood he was called Sorrow. Jabez prayed to the covenant God of Israel to enlarge his coast that this name might not grieve him. And God heard his prayers. If you are in this category may the good Lord hear your prayer and change your name. God knows the importance of name and that was why He gave Adam the authority to name all that he created, including Eve. Whatever name Adam gave remained the name Gen. 2:19-23. Similarly God himself changed the name of Abram to Abraham; Sara to Sarah and their destiny changed for the better. On the other hand no one would want his or her child to bear such names as Gehazi, Juda Iscariot, Ananas, Saphira, Saul, Haman, Achan, Micha, Jezebel. Ahab or Jabez. Of what benefit is a name if it can be spewed out as fast as it is pronounced. Of what use is a name though written on marble, and in the nation Hall of fame, if it is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Think about that! Name! That four letter word.  

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Nigeria, Africa, Book of Life, Patrick Enilama, Bible, Jesus Christ, God, nigerian articles, african articles

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