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A Well Fed Slave and a Hungry Free Man: Who Is Better

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Author: Oyadeyi Adekunle Emmanuel
Posted to the web: 8/23/2010 12:42:35 PM

A WellFed Slave and a Hungry Free Man; who is better?

The slavery of the physicalbody and the slavery of the mind are two inseparable interconnections becausethey deal with the real you. Whoever falls victim of these needs totallibration and emancipation from the shackles of slavery. However, as much as itis easy to fall victim of the former, as a result of laziness, hardship,poverty, sickness and other social adversities, so it is easy to get freed, butthe slavery of the mind is a sort of life long cage or prison, this may be as aresult of man inhumanity to man, brain washing, mental dredging, emptypromises, disappointment, hopelessness, helplessness, low self esteem,political unrighteousness, obnoxious laws, religious caricature, oppression,depression, injustices and false witnesses  among others, even the sophisticated ones (educated) can not run fromit; it is part of us.

Look at the eyes of the prisoners,who are clothed and fed by the government, tell me what you see; the same thingon the faces of the free average man walking on the street, the hopeless andjobless man, the poor aged man and woman in old dilapidated building of thatchand mold across the river shore, the scavengers, the street urchins, theNigerian Students, ‘the high way Lords’ the Nigerian Forces even the unbornbabies. Now, you have seen it all; don’t try to hide it, because it is clearlyand boldly written on your faces, you and I are victims. This is the samequestion I asked myself every time; do you want to be a well fed slave or ahungry free man? Then, what is it in been free, when I can not get job, havefood on my table, what is freedom? When I still sleep and wake under emptypromises of my so called noble leaders, hide under the canopies of obnoxiouslaws and injustice, clean the shoes and wash the raiment of my religious fatherwho heartily takes the last cut of bread for my dinner. My fellow victim, giveme the simple definition of a free man, when my intelligence and yours areplayed upon, and our minds reconfigured to suit their lofty ideas and achievetheir self aggrandizing missions.

Yet, we eat their left-overand joyfully accept the few ‘kobo’ they offer, thanks to them all the same,because they feed us well so that it would never occur to us that they take themeager part of what belong to us to feed us and our hungry family. Thequestions are: who are ‘they’, who are the well fed slave and who are the hungryfree men. Whether you choose to be free and remain hungry or choose to be fedand be a slave, my message to you is to prepare for the total libration andemancipation of the mind. The revolution is about to begin and the stage setfor the brave.

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