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A Message of Hope

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Posted to the web: 8/10/2010 9:38:54 PM


This message is to bring a ray of hope tothose either sadden by the recent layoffs in the financial and corporate worldin Nigeria and wherever youmay be reading this and is apprehensive of what the future might hold.

As the adage says there is a message inthat mess.

Simple antidotes for combating fear, hurt ,disbelief and heartbreak.

¨      It isok to cry and mourn, don’t bottle your emotions, give yourself time to grieve. Howeverplease don’t become the following, resentful of others, bitter, angry at thesystem or someone

¨      Beopen and candid to Godly counsel, whatever the religious beliefs you belong to.

¨      Surroundyourself around those that will uplift you and not feel sorry for you to keepfanning the wounds , rather those that will encourage you to pick up the piecesand move on.

¨      Speakto yourself, where there is life there is hope.

¨      Readabout those who failed or fell or lost something but rose up to the challengeto become formidable. Have you heard about Abraham Lincoln one of the greatestpresidents that ever ruled America. What of MarthaStewart.

¨      Thisis the time to reconnect with your spouse, especially those that are supportive

¨      Seekfor wise counsel on the way forward, I encourage not to jump into anything ,give yourself time. What is your passion? You may be ripe for it. It is time totake stock of all your resources, cut back on wasteful expenditure, you have noone to impress.

¨      Turnall unwanted resources, jewelries, even cars to liquid cash.

¨      Saveor fix as the bankers say , till you have a plan on what you want to do.

¨      Exploreall opportunities, either looking for a job with lower pay if you have theconnections or network of contacts, or simply seek to create one.

¨      Tosurvive especially meeting your family expenses or yours, it is encouraged youhave a stream of income, which is called the survival money stream. Investingin an already money making venture which will produce cash flow immediately.

¨      Secondly,invest in an income stream that will bring your talent to bare and you have to nurtureit and grow it with time

¨      Beforethe last two is done, assess your financial needs, what are your monthly billslike, if you spend over N9000 on Dstv, you may have cut it down to N2,500 forthe family bouquet. Same with others. If your generating sets was on 24/7 or immediatelythe children are back from school you may have to cut it down to when the sunsets

¨      Frugalityis the watch word.

¨      Don’tthink of checking out , rather work hard and you will be celebrated.

For more on thismessage send me an mail on angela@angelaitambo.com or you can visit www.angelaitambo.com to know my counselingsessions requirements. It is not over till it is over. God bless you.

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