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Should We Believe in God?

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Author: Mazi Odera
Posted to the web: 8/8/2010 11:05:34 PM




This week ,we are going to provoke our thoughts and also brain storm ,all in our search to get to reality ?.The question is ,Is there God ? and should we believe in God ?. When i was growing and getting some education suffed into my infant brain ,i learn,t about metamorphoses ,which teaches us about human evolution through APES.Then as i was growing and learning ,i was yearning to see when one of those scientist should give birth to an APE to prove that both Ape and human are related but,that is yet to be seen,every one of them always give birth to a bouncing human baby.Meanwhile all the zoos and wild life in the world are yet to uncover some human ape,outside a human that ruled a Nation in Africa just some time ago ,who actually look like Ape decendant from OTA LINAGE ,there has never been a repeated history of such arrant nonsense. Yes,you heard me ,i call that teaching an ARRANT BIG NONSENSE ,infact the person that started that theory must have been dropped at child birth and he had some brain tumor as a result of that dropping.But the irony is that people intent to apprecaite lies when it comes to things of God,they always want proof of this and that,and because they want proof of God ,today we will look at evidences and contrast against the devils philosophy. If you know any of those scientist with mouth odour that argue if there is God ,ask him for me,WHO BUILD THE PILLAR that seperate SKY from Earth ?if he say that it is not his grand father ,then he deserve a little gbosaa on his ear drum.Ask him ,why do we have tribes and tongues that differs ?and no science has resolved them to make them global village.Ask him why is it that it is female who concieve and give birth and not male ?and every time they always give us human as designed by God and not apes as drunkingly insinuated by this confused brokes.Why he will be in the mood of foaming from the mouth with his jargon,ask him to explain the reason why nobody ever notice when a child is growing ?,you can only notice that  baby has out grown his or her baby dresses and as you continue living ,you will discover that the baby is talking,walking,laughing and reasoning and aging.I will also like to know why science is yet to tell us where NAILS come from? but as soon as you cut your nails there is a replacement and all the nails does not go farther that the visible nails on your finger ?,same as hair,eye lashes,Where does teeth come from ,because i am sure that science did not put it there and if you remove a tooth ,you will only see a gum and before you say Chineke Umu igbo another tooth will be in place.
Can any of this dumb etheist tell us why men grow old and die ?,why can,t science fabricate something that will stop death ?,even them the scientist die without warning.
Why is it that since creation till today all the humans that lived and living on earth has different DNA ?,can any of that confused bunch tell us why Pregnancy should be carried for 9 months and not some days ? and why must it be in the womb ?,why can,t they fabricate some COOLER and hatch babies in there ?that is without using the sperm that was created by God. Ok ,i did appreciate all the creative works of science which without it ,we should be living in dark ages ,so i will like to give them credit my way.. COMPUTER -was fashioned to work as Human brain -That makes them copy cat,because God made the original and they are copying his work but there is a big Gap,no brain has virus but computer can crash and virus can make it speak in strange tongue. PLANES -i wonder where they would,ve flew the plane if God did not seperate EARTH from Sky ?,I wonder what they would,ve done if the entire earth is still shrouded by water and darkness,now they use materials which they met here on earth which is also the handwork of God to make an Airplane,they fly the airplane on God,s sky and land it on the Earth that he also made .Tell me that this scientist or atheist are not dumb to ever think that there is no God !!!.Do not forget that ENOCH went to heaven through whirlwind ,that was millions of years before ,which is what airplane is all about and ELIJAH went to Heaven in CHARIOT which is what ROCKET is all about. HOUSES -who made the sand that was used for the brick ?,who made the hills that was transformed into cement ?,they laid foundation on the everlasting foundation laid by God ,therefore it is not a plus for science but product borrowed space.
Did i tell us about having no other God but ALMIGHTY GOD ?,well ,he is a loving father ,a great man in battle,he formed the world with his word.He created human in billions and there is none that is same or uses same finger print,eye balls,tongue or brain ,he made sky hold in isolation without pillars,he gave command to water not to absorb the earth and it obeyed,he demacarted the day from night ,so that men can rest and get strong.He gave us dream ,which no science can tell where we go to when we sleep, and that left us at the mercy of his divine mercy.
He gave us to any parent of his choice ,so that nobody will choose which king or president should sear him or her.He paint us black,pink and yellow according to his plans.He gave us brain to become creative and he choose to remind us that a little touch from him and the body will go back to grave.
Therefore ,i challenge you this day to choose you this day whom to serve ,as for me and my house hold ,we have chosen to serve the Lord in all circumstances.
Finally ,i have this to say
GOD  is God ,he does not seek any endorsement to remain God,he does not need vote to retain his position.He did whatever pleases him and nobody can question his supremacy,so no amount of madness or  argument will make him a lesser GOD -Copyright Odera and Family
  That you do not believe that JESUS CHRIST is the son of LIVING GOD does not change his status and sonship,but it changes your status to accept him into your life,for he is LIGHT that you need to illuminate your dark life.Heaven bowed to Jesus ,Earth tremble on the mention of his name,Demons accept his supremacy and therefore dread to hear his precious name,World debates him more than any other thing,so your confusion about him is of no CONSEQUENCE.After all ,in the history of mankind ,it is only JESUS CHRIST is a known dead that rose again,therefore no living or death ever address him as LATE ..ODERA &FAMILY 

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