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A Letter to My Brother and Sisters

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Author: Ebubechi Ronald
Posted to the web: 1/31/2010 9:54:24 PM

Most of the time, I thought much about my country Nigeria. Looking at how things are moving tears always flow from my eyes. Sometimes in my house a lone I cried, cried, and slept. In addition, often have I saw the angel of God visited me and comforted me and assure that it shall be well with country.

Today, when I woke up from my bed I felt burden in my heart to drop a few note to my fellow Nigerians and I would encourage you to pay attention to my words, because the one who dropped the words in my heart and allowed the words to came out from my mouth is about to come in glory. His name is Jesus Christ. As it is contain in the scripture, “…His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Actually, H e was not happy because of idolatry in our land, but because of His compassionate heart and love, His has answered the prayer of many that diligently sought Him with tears and broken heart. Yet, He is still informing us that He is the Lord of hosts. He created all things for His pleasure. Whether you are white or black, He is your maker. He desires us to make proper use of the gifts He has bestowed upon us. You know, we often pray, “Our Father in haven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” so how isn’t in the heaven? In the heaven, there are angels, angel Gabriel, angel Michael, etc. angels that often praising God in holiness. All Ibos that believed in God you need to know your calling, praising the Lord of hosts in righteousness, the same to Yoruba and Hausa. This battle of gun and machine gun will soon end. I know there had been spiritual battle, but I still know what I am talking that this battle must automatically turn to spiritual battle. When the antichrist and the beast the Bible talk about rises then many would understand clearly the message here.

Ibo, Yoruba and Hausa, God strategically place all of us together. It just like we are in the training ground. Just like Israelites in the hand of Egyptians. Egyptians afflicted them, but at the right time of God, He delivered His chosen people. By the wisdom of God He did not lead them to easy and short way to Canaan land He promised long time ago to Abraham. When the Israelites became mature, God pulled away their enemies and planted them. We Christians really need to become measure for our Father to give us our inheritance. Iraq and Iran, physically speaking they have not be in peace with Israel, and it is not going to end so easily. However, we know that one day, there will be a sound of trumpet, and the captain of the whole hosts (Jesus) will finish the fight. Nevertheless, the Israelites at this time still stand firm in their feet. That applies that we believers in Christ need to stand firm in our faith in God.

If God have never approved our downfall, nothing in this world can make us fall. Just as what I heard during Biafra war, even if Britain and Russia manufacture the highest war plan in the world, God will save us.

When they have taken crafty counsel against Godâ's people, and consulted against Godâ's hidden ones. The Book of Job 5:12 assures us that God disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. And in verse Job 5:13, “He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong.” God is able to fight for us.

My brothers and sisters, be strong in the Lord. Let our feet be strong, let us stop checking like a baby that is learning how to walk. Let us get rid of idolatry in our land first. Let us join hands together to build up the temple of God. Let us put to the end bribery and corruption in our land. Let us do our best to be in unity and begin to create things together. Those people we see as our enemies let us do our best to show them the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I strongly believe that God is in the business of training end time soldiers in our midst, those who can withstand the beast that is advancing to drink holy peopleâ's blood.

 In Jeremiah 12, he complained and God said to him, “I f you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?” “If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?” the simple answer is that we need to be committed to God even when the going gets tough and when His answers to our prayers seems to be delay. Nevertheless, be rest assured that God is not a man, He will not allow us to strike our foots against a stone. God bless you all. Amen.

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