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What We Must Tell the President

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Author: Ahmed Dodo
Posted to the web: 8/14/2009 6:23:03 AM

What we must tell the president

By Ahmed Dodo


 â€œTruth is the greatest weapon”

                                    Sir-Ahmadu Bello



As a kid growing up in the bustling city of Kaduna , among some distinct lessons we were thought at home and in our then popular well organized  LEA primary schools was to always acknowledge the existence of God and comprehend that anybody could be somebody tomorrow, not minding his biological background, wither super rich, in the middle or extremely poor. We were always made to understand that in whatever condition or position one finds oneself, we should also comprehend that it is not by the personâ's, knowledge, strength, smartness, sharpness or special attributes, but by the will of the creator who created and owns everything on all the planets, our own controversial earth inclusive. Then importantly we were thought how to unlock the key to freedom as our parents, guardians and teachers called it – (The Truth) – the truth we were told is the magic wand that provokes the thoughtful mind and constantly shamed and defeat lie, while still retaining its parallel shape. It was drummed loud in our ears and subconscious that we should always say it and believe in it whenever we see or come across its precision, having faith and believe that it shall always set us free.

It is base on a meticulous study of the attributes of this key to freedom that I have decided to pen this write up, with the hope that those of us who still subscribes to this true knowledge would stand up boldly and confront the shape of lies and deceits going on in our hitherto prosperous nation today. But where do we really start from?  Should we tell the president since he his occupying the number one position in the country and naturally saddled with the responsibilities of ensuring that we all get our share of the free bounties of the creator? Or to paraphrase British author Jeffrey Archer “shall we tell the president?”

Well since the various problems and obstacles bedeviling this great nation under the sun are not work of fictions, but rather the conscientiousness silhouette of the truth as we were thought back in those days as kids growing up and opportune to see the magical wonder of  this key at various stages  of our existence.  I think we must tell the president the beautiful attributes and gains of this realism, not minding whose horse is gored, with the believe that its potency shall always set us free, the president inclusive.

First of all as health is wealth and we are always reminded to love our neighbor as ourselves, then we must be courageous to tell Mr. President that good as his intentions are for this great nation that he his not quite looking healthy and strong to lead this country of over 140 million people to the promise land. This we should continue to patriotically tell him not minding if he his going to take us to court or send some zealous security operatives against us, as this is our land and were the creator naturally brought us to be  and to Him we shall  all give the final reports at the end of the day.

We must be sincere and inform the President that nothing is working in the country as has been rightly observed by prudent Nigerians and foreigners alike. We should be patriotic and tell our fellow countryman and our number one citizen that his seven point agenda means nothing to the numerous abandoned almajiris prevalent here in the north, neither has it eased the prize of fertilizer to our suffering rural farmers. We should be ready to confront the deceitful shape of lies and tell Mr. President that our roads are turning from bad to worst, our homes, factories, industries, and shops are witnessing the pits of epileptic power supply, our educational sector in disarray, unemployment indices daily rising and our mothers, sisters and wives finding it more difficult to cook three square meals a day.

Part of what we must tell the president is the reality that we are not actually practicing democracy for the people, by the people in this great nation that was supposed to be a role model to other countries as the purported giant of Africa and the most populated in the rich verse continent. We must be bold to say it loudly to the president that the practice of selection and enforcing of candidates on the  people would sooner or later lead to a catastrophic doom, exceeding what we are now witnessing from MEND in the  Niger-Delta to the Boko Haram in Maiduguri and other states that cuts across the northern region. Also important for Mr. President Ears is the issue of ensuring that the electoral reforms being daily agitated for by millions of Nigerians are carried and implemented to the   fullest, with well organized law propelled democratic institutions and never to allow Nigeria to be a one party state if it would be his only achievement for posterity to judge him in the eyes of the people and prominently before his creator the judger of all men. We should be philosophical and remind the president that nation lives after men and men don’t live after nation.

Let us open the Pandora box and show the president that some of his policies are more foreign inclined and that some of those saddled with the responsibilities of implementing them locally are not being sincere to him. We must unveil the presidentâ's eyes and show him the shapes of the many sycophants around him and exposed the shameful contour of lies and the liars around us. Those liars who are deceiving him that we must keep exporting fuel while our refineries are fast decaying just like the other hitherto vibrant infrastructures that have been sold to few cliques and others left to root into history.

 Finally we should hold our heads high and tell Mr. president to stick and respect the universal natural law, that no man alive knows what would happen to him tomorrow, neither does he know where he would die, so as such he should close his ears to 2011 for now face and confront the numerous problems and challenges along his present passage before the irrepressible wind of change blows across and uproot the truth that always prevails and shall set us free.

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