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Why I Want McCain To Win

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Author: Idang Alibi
Posted to the web: 10/23/2008 12:37:54 AM

Why I want McCain to win

By Idang Alibi (idangalibi@yahoo.com)

I know that to even dare to suggest, as the title of this piece seems to do, that it is Arizona Senator John McCain and not Illinois Senator Barack Obama who should win the November 4 USA Presidential election will get billions of people across the world heart-broken. I am aware of the fact that billions of people in all the continents of the world fast and pray and some even give their widow’s mite all in the effort to ensure that Obama and not McCain should win the forthcoming election.

A few months back Obama went to address some people in Germany and over 200,000 human beings came out to listen to him. Rather than consider the import of what Obama represents and why he generates such enthusiasm across the world, the strategists in the McCain camp said that Obama went to Germany to address those who hate America . If 200,000 people in one country hate another country that passionately then that country that is so hated needs to take a look at itself and see why people hate it so that much.


Given the near universal depth of passion for Obama’s victory, it takes some courage to seem to suggest otherwise. And coming from a ‘pure blooded’ Black man who should be seen as having everything thing to gain from an Obama victory, I am certain that some unthinking persons will call me several unpalatable names one of which will include being “ an imperialist stooge” for daring to suggest a McCain victory. But I am sure you will agree with me very shortly that it is in the ultimate interest of the world that McCain should carry the day.


If like billions of other people in the world I choose to be sentimental about it, I will certainly wish for an Obama victory. But I have rather chosen to be realpolitikal. As a black man I am aware of the tremendous psychological boost that an Obama victory will give to the black race in spite of the fact that Obama is only physically black but is culturally whiter than white.


For me I pitch for a McCain victory because, as I see it, a McCain presidency will lead to a speedier decline and demise of an evil empire. The American Empire is the most murderous civilization that humanity has had the misfortune of witnessing. Some earlier civilizations may have been equally murderous but the harm they did to the world was limited by the instruments available to them. But America with an awesome arsenal available to it, has terrorised and killed millions of innocent human beings all over the world who do not in any way constitute a threat to it in any form. All America needs to do to waste precious lives is to find a convenient label for you in order to find justification for murdering you. If America does not like the colour of your politics all it needs to do is to label you “Muslim fundamentalist” and get you killed as if for fun.


Each time I reflect on the phenomenon called Obama, I am too fascinated by him. He appears too magical. He is the most federated man in the world with various kinds of blood and values running in his veins. He looks to me like the kind of man specially prepared by God to carry out a special assignment here on earth. I fear that he is the kind of man anointed and commissioned to inspire America to once again rediscover itself and become the ugly bully it has been since some demonic leaders took control of her affairs. This very good attribute of Obama is unfortunately not in the best interest of the rest of the world who want to live in peace. In terms of realpolitik therefore, we should be praying that God should deny America the services of an immensely intelligent, talented, humane and charismatic man like Obama.


Rather, America should be visited with the misfortune of having a man like McCain who will help in the urgent task of disabling America from carrying out her bullish ways. Like George Bush Jnr and Dick Cheney, McCain is one of these American rich kids who have more money than sense and therefore have nothing much to contribute to the greatness of that country. They are products of the military-industrial-complex mindset. Their own idea of how to make America great is to foster war so that the arms industry can sell arms.

Their solution to every problem is to bomb as many people as possible in all corners of the earth. They do not believe in diplomacy; gun is the answer to every disagreement. They do not seem to realize that when an empire overreaches itself, as America is doing now, it will decline and eventually fall. The war-mongering McCain will help America to continue to overreach herself and self-destruct. One may sound cynical or mischievous but we must approach the affairs of this world with great wisdom. It is foolish for one to wish that a bully should grow stronger. Wisdom demands that we pray and do everything that we can to ensure that a bully becomes weaker so that others can live in peace.


America is unworthy of a man like Obama. Let them have McCain who will help to mess them up further. It appears to me that in the spirit realm, efforts are being made to assist the decline and fall of America . The instrument being used is to get the Americans themselves to prefer weaker and wicked candidates to stronger and more humane ones. Just take a look at America ’s presidential contests in the past few years. In 1980s America had a chance to get a competent leader in the person of the Greek American Michael Dukakis but those who determine the direction that America should go, preferred George W. Bush Snr and they got him. This man plunged them into a war of blame in Iraq . The country suffered a recession partly on account of that foolish adventure.

God had mercy on America and gave them an intelligent man like Bill Clinton who set them on the path of national restoration. America again had a chance to get a wise and decent man like Al Gore but the Devil again helped them to get the present George Bush Jnr. Since he came on America has been witnessing a steady decline. Each bloody day that country spends about one billion dollars to maintain its wars in several theatres of the world. Today you hear of America ’s economic meltdown and the Americans themselves do not appear to realize that their wars of blame are responsible for their plight.


It is the duty of the world to help America go down. And in line with this, we need to pray for a McCain victory. The war-mongering McCain will plunge America into more wars thereby hastening the fall of that giant. McCain is a prisoner of war but they portray him as a war hero. Here is a man whose plane was shot down and he captured as a prisoner of war. In other places, McCain will be viewed with contempt for being a captured prisoner in a war. But not in America . If McCain is eulogized for being a prisoner of war, what do the Americans call the Vietnamese fighter pilot who shot McCain’s plane down? They should erect a statute in his honour on the White House lawns and decorate him with the highest honour attainable.


America is the most illiterate and its citizens the most gullible in the world. I have never seen a people whose minds are under the complete sway of their leaders the way the Americans are. Just tell them someone in Malawi which is officially the poorest country in the world constitutes a danger to the American way of life, their people will come on the street to campaign that they should go and bomb that tiny nation out of existence.

The demonic leaders who control America have perfected the art of using the media to create fear and division. The best symbol of this is the evil political strategist called Karl Rowe. Rowe is a past master in the game of playing on the fears of ignorant and gullible Americans. Today, he has no answer to Obama’s intelligence and charisma. His strategy therefore is to paint Obama as a possibly dangerous Muslim with links to Al Qaeda.

We have a few days to the November 4 election. Obama is said to be leading in the opinion polls. No one knows what trick the devious Karl Rowe and his team will pull up to rubbish Obama so that McCain can win.


For me I will not mind if McCain wins for the reason I have stated. Should that happen, America ’s loss should become Africa ’s gain. Some may boo my suggestion but I dare to suggest it all the same: the time has come for us in Africa to become more daring and creative in finding a solution to our leadership problem. We must exercise wisdom by approaching someone like Obama to come and provide us leadership. Nigeria , as the home of the black race should recruit Obama as her president. In Obama we are most certainly going to get some one who will be blind to tribe, to religion and to region; all those things that are responsible for our tragic failure as a people.


This suggestion is not as laughable as it appears. A more developed and stable Austria once toyed with the idea of asking the then American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to come back home and provide Austria leadership. I can now remember fully what I once read but I once came across historical information that in ancient times when the famous Benin Kingdom was in political turmoil, it requested for a prince from Ife to come and govern her. Nigeria and the rest of Africa should not feel ashamed to import our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora to come and help us out of our leadership quagmire. Nigeria should start with Obama if America rejects him.

  (This piece was first published in Nigeria Daily Trust on thursday, 16th October, 2008)    *Idang Alibi writes from Abuja, Nigeria, and could be reached at idangalibi@yahoo.com

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