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Memo To African Women/Wives

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Author: Waheed,O.
Posted to the web: 8/15/2008 9:58:24 AM

 By now, many of you have read about or already know of a new and deadly subset of Nigerian men who hacked their wives (mostly Nigerians) to death. Perhaps some of you might even know any of the victims posted in the well circulated e-mail, like I did. Nireti, (May her gentle soul rest in peace) a soft spoken, loving, and two-full- time job workaholic, was one of the women who fell victim to the love-you-to- death narrative that is all too common among these weak suck reprobates of husband perpetrators. But while some of you may not be a victim, YET, a large majority of you may have been unwitting accomplices without knowing it.Before Nireti met her untimely death, she confided in her female friends, the family secret of domestic abuse and even hid in the basement of one friend who eventually ratted her out to her psychotic husband. She changed jobs several times in attempt to circumvent the incessant threatening phone calls, to no avail, as her so-called friends were the resident 411's to her lunatic husband. It all culminated in a hail of bullets in front of her NEW, SECRET apartment, that turned out not to be so secret after all.Meanwhile, some of you might want to pay attention to the following, it might save your life and may even give each of you the requisite strength against the potential murderer that is sharing your bed. If that husband of yours put you on-the- clock while you visit your sister or best friend-WATCH OUT.If he SHOVES you against the wall, regardless of the reason- TAKE NOTE.The often over looked complain of being DISRESPECTED, is a prelude to CONTROLLING you like a steering wheel.-BAD SIGN.Urging you to work every available over-time shift while he snores and slobbers, is an OMINOUS SIGN.So, your guy called-in-sick for work, so he can go SHOPPING with you for that new dress for the upcoming wedding, and you think 'Oh! That is romantic of him'- THINK AGAIN.Not maintaining a steady job, and or looking for that prestigious job that he is not qualified for, but blaming it on racism might be FORETELLING.Is it coincidental that he always seems to pick up the phone while you are using it, and monitoring the minutes used? NOT REALLY.You finally had the courage to ask him about the nasty letter from the bank about bounced checks,and he pounced on you?-GET A CLUEThanks for reading.

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