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It's Time To Be Real and Relevent

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Author: Akinsanya Oluwaseun Akinsanya
Posted to the web: 7/25/2008 5:48:29 AM




'A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right, a man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice; a man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true'

Martin Luther King Jr.


Proudly to say: We are the most privileged black people on the planet. We've been millions of years in the making. Hundreds of years being fearfully and wonderfully made and uniquely shaped as we toiled in the forges of this world.

Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you are, we've got a big job to do. This is not a platform for me to start listing all the confusions and happenings in Africa as a continent once envied by the so-called first world countries. I read in one of the dailies (PUNCH NEWSPAPER) where a man from Zimbabwe said, 'we are all billionaires who cannot afford anything.' Pathetic! Recently, the selling of babies took over the face Lagos , Oyo, and many other states. In South Africa , Africans found it joyous and ecstatic killing their semblance (Xenophobic). Confusions everywhere in expense of lives and property. Our leaders remain myopic still. Youths of Africa we are the repairer of this continent, the shapers and wealth makers in the midst of a time more ripped with opportunities than anyone could have foretold. Let us not be disturbed or distracted by the gigantic confusions here and there, we are perfect children of God, we have the wisdom, strength and discipline to create life we want and help more of our people from Kenya, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania, Djibouti, Namibia, Senegal, Mozambique, etc. Frankly, our Future depends on our outlook in this hour of decision. There is an air of expectancy from the youths and i want you to know that we have the power to change anything - illness, habits, attitudes, outlandish socio-economic policies, total deprivation, insecurity, Violence, killings, kidnapping, and set new healthy models for political office holders, relationships, education, business. We can feed the hungry, cloth the naked, house the homeless and eliminate poverty. YOUTHS DON'T BE USED BY GARRISON COMMANDERS DISGUISING AS AGENT OF CHANGE. WAKE UP AND STAND UP! WHY WILL YOU BE FIGHTING FOR POLITICIANS WHOSE ASSETS ARE COMPREHENSIVELY INSURED! YOUTHS, STRIP YOUR SEAT BELT, GET YOUR HELMET ON AND BOLDLY TELL THEM YOU HAVE A FUTURE!

We must be defined by our dreams, vision and purpose because consciously or unconsciously one lives not only ones life, but the life of one's time. The way we response to the upsurge and unending-like confusions in Africa will determine hundred years of Africa significant in the chronicles of history.

I believe that when God want initiate a new movement in history He does not intervene directly, though He can chose to, but He sends dreams and visions that can/will, if attended to, initiate process. African Youths its time to unleash this movement without feeling secured in a monumental accomplishment. Its time we wake up from our sleep, move out from the mundane that has kept us victimized for years without any yielded remedy. Its time we eschew things that hold us in the system of familiarity. A generation is emerging from Africa that will be a voice in the face of Injustice, God is blowing His trumpet and dry bones are rattling.

An Ezekiel 37 generation who will build a wall and also stand in gap, pleading the blood of Jesus and holding silent sieges in every nook and cranny of our political and socio-economic system.

In 1962, prayer was removed from school by Engel V. Vitale and the Church quietly complied. In 1973 abortion was legalized by Roe V. Wade and the Church was silent for years until recently gay movement legalized same-sex marriage in Massachusset and California . Many states and country are joining same-sex legalization. For example Spain , South Africa Etc. Yet out of the silent bones of the Church, a Generation of Demonstration is emerging that will be a voice in the face of injustice.

This is the time we are to be passionate, insightful, equipped for battle, as young men and women who has been waiting in the wings of a cause, let take our stand, the divine convergence of event that would soon catapult the issue of life to the forefront of the nation's conscience.

We have no other option but to place a call to God on behalf of Africa through the right password (JESUS)




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