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Everday Ushers Is a Reason for Us To Be Hopeful

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Author: Brown Erhuvwu
Posted to the web: 12/5/2007 5:12:53 PM

      Seeing a new day gives its spark to our lives in its own special way. Not even, when weighed down by the usual troubles of the world (of life), so long as there is life, there is always something around that brings out the spark.Everyday, that we are alive is a miracle.

      All we need to do is discover this ‘something’ that makes it so special in a different way. In every situation, we find ourselves we should always ‘keep the faith’. It helps us to face life, and carry on as if we are the coolest being that ever walked on the surface of the earth. It helps us realize that the impossible is nothing; it does not just exist in our historical dictionary no matter what the world says.

     Always trust in God, make Him your all in all, because He is always there to guide, and see you through. He is the only one that inspires you to keep moving. ‘Keep going child, don’t stop’ that is what He always tells us. All we have to do is listen to that gentle voice inside us saying ‘I’m always there when you call, only if you will just listen to what I have to say that will lift you another step higher.’

     Believe in His promises; proclaim them always in your life. Make them your stepping-stones. You must learn to always look ahead, no matter what, even if it seems you are sinking here and now, do not accept it. Learn to fight back with the power of prayers and testimonies that He always gives us even if we don’t seem to see them, we always have a testimony to tell in each new day, isn’t God wonderful?

        Forget about the phrase ‘Past Mistakes’, live above them. Do not let them weigh you down or you will keep going back to them, they give room to the enemy to see that as an opportunity to strike, because you do not want to grow from your weak points. You want to keep wallowing in shame and pains of the past, thereby pulling your today down and backwards.

      You cannot focus on what you want or what you do thereby living for yesterday, your whole life becomes stuck in one junction because it is obvious you cannot reverse and you do not want to move in the right direction. Do not get confused by what people tell you. You already know what you want so make the right decision now.

      Get down on your knees and say ‘Lord, help me to be what you want me to be’. Better still ‘Lord, help me be what you need me be, what you created me for, the purpose for which I’m here on earth, help me to discover it and fulfill it (them) before my time is up, help me to discover you in me’. By His grace before you know it, the spark starts ushering in a new beginning. Life then becomes a reason to praise Him.

       There is power in kneeling, break up from your pride, belittle yourself in His presence always, because where He is you cannot withstand, get down on your kneels and ask for His grace. Cry out to Him on your kneels ‘My Jesus I adore you, have mercy on me’, if He will not surprise you with that miracle you have always needed.

       Learn to be contented with ‘you as you’. Do not say Mr. A is not up to my measure, so why should he be better than I am? What you actually lose in the actual sense of the word is, in this world, no one is better than the other is; we all need each other to forge ahead.

        In your own sense of the world, Mr. A is cool, but what you don’t know is, he might even want something he don’t have, that you have, but Mr. A just like you said is better because he’s got ‘the sense of  contentment’. He blesses God for what he has and moves ahead, hoping for that he does not have, every new day. That is the power of every new day.

         If only we could just see better, if only we could say “open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you” every day, you will see what He has in store for you, for each passing day. He always makes them available, all you have to do is ask, focus your gaze on Him, saying to yourself, ‘with Jesus, no shaking’, and with Him ‘I’m firm in all things, be it little, big, small, or great’. We have every power in our hands, because God has made them available to us, he has given unto us the keys to dominate.

     Ask yourself these questions; Am I where I am supposed to be? Am I trending in the right path? Have I actually given everything to God or do I still have some things of the world? If you are answering yes or no, its either you let them weigh you down or you learn to live by them. They will help to make you or mar you if you want them to. The decision is yours to make.

       Learn to place your needs paramount before your wants because you do not necessarily have to get all you want, you only have to get all you need. Like His grace to keep you going, his love to help you forge ahead.

       Learn to give a helping hand no matter how small it may seem to be because you do not just know when the Lord might visit. Leave the world of selfishness behind; enter a new day with giving. Do not say because you have given too much already for yesterday, you want to restrict yourself for today, what you do not know is where the one of today is leading you. It might just be leading you to the next second of your breakthrough, everlasting joy, peace and happiness.

        Learn to forgive the wrongs of the past and step into a new day with a clean and free heart. Just like, we say (pray) every morning “and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Let us take them seriously, let us learn to say those words with a sincere heart each new day.

    Ask yourself each new day, ‘is this what God needs? Where do I have to make that change that I seriously need?’ Always ask God for guidance and the grace to persevere above all odds. Let Him know you are living for Him every new day and you will see and feel that great change you have always needed. ‘Every little good effort, you make in every new day, never hurts your tomorrow’.       

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